Psychology CSS Paper II 2003

Psychology, Paper II

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt Five questions in all, including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Describe the methods used for studying infant behavior with special reference to psychological and physical characteristics of infant.

  2. Highlight the self-evident milestones in the process of development of logical thinking stage in early childhood.

  3. Elucidate the sources of information used in clinical diagnosis.

  4. Give a critical appraisal of Rational Emotive Behavior therapy highlighting its merits and limitations.

  5. What psycho-sociological factors can be identified as mainly responsible for juvenile delinquent behavior with reference to Pakistan? Discuss and suggest practical remedies.

  6. What is job-satisfaction? Describe the role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors as determiners of job-satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

  7. Briefly describe as each of the following as being identified characteristically distinct from each other.
    (a) Psychosomatic (b) Psychosis (c) Character disorders (d) Psychosomatic disorders

8. Write only the correct answer in your Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) The social distance scale is mainly a measure of:
(a) Ethnic attitude (b) Cohesiveness of a group (c) Upward social mobility (d) Social class differences (e) None of these

2) A person has attitudes towards:
(a) All possible objects (b) All objects which are perceived by him (c) All objects which exist in his own life-space (d) None of these

3) So-called “functional” and “organic” psychoses are:
(a) Really both functional in origin (b) Really both organic in origin (c) Clearly differentiated as to origin (d) Not clearly distinguishable

4) Which one of the following is not listed as a classification of psychoneurosis?
(a) Phobic reactions (b) Conversion reactions (c) Neurasthenic reactions (d) Delusional reactions (e) None of these

5) Psychoneurosis tends to be:
(a) Severe than the psychoses (b) Milder than neuroses (c) Milder than psychoses (d) About the same severity as the psychoses (e) None of these

6) In essence the defense mechanisms are:
(a) Defense against anxiety (b) Ways of convincing others of one’s rightness (c) Escape reactions (d) Conscious self-deception (e) None of these

7) The Thematic Apperception Test is a:
(a) Situational test (b) Performance test (c) Projective test (d) Personality inventory (e) None of these

8) Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by:
(a) Asthma caused by anxiety (b) Neurotic anxiety (c) Insomnia (d) Over-eating (e) None of these

9) Dependence, passivity and greediness are regarded as traits found in the so-called:
(a) Anal character (b) Phallic stage (c) Genital stage (d) Oral character (e) None of these

10) Probably the most insidious form of defense mechanism is:
(a) Reaction formation (b) Defensive identification (c) Projection (d) Withdrawal (e) None of these

11) Endomorphy is to eetomorphy as:
(a) Love of comfort is to social inhabitation (b) Social inhabitation is to love of comfort (c) Love of comfort is to need for action (d) Need for action is to social inhabitation (e) None of these

12) Personality inventories are:
(a) Subjectively scored (b) Objectively scored (c) Always scored on a priori basis (d) Always scored on an empirical basis (e) None of these

13) The difficulty with type theories of personality is that they are:
(a) Too simple (b) Too contradictory (c) Too arbitrary (d) All of these (e) None of these

14) The concept of introversion and extroversion was advanced by:
(a) Spranger (b) Kretshmer (c) Jaensch (d) Jung (e) None of these

15) The term “germ cell” when used in genetics refers to:
(a) Somatic cells (b) Body cells (c) Ova and sperm cells (d) Both ((a) and ((b) (e) None of these

16) The overall bodily and mental growth curves for man:
(a) Diverge at puberty age (b) Run parallel course (c) Show drop at puberty age (d) Both ((a) and ((b) (e) None of these

17) As the individual continues his growth after birth, the neural cell in his brain:
(a) Change their chemical composition (b) Increase in number (c) Both ((a) and ((b) (d) None of these

18) With the onset of puberty, the rate of growth of:
(a) All bodily organs slow down (b) Intellectual development slows down (c) Both ((a) and ((b) (d) Neither ((a) and ((b)

19) To mark the onset and termination of adolescence:
(a) Physiological measures are usually used for both boys and girls (b) Physiological measures are usually used for girls but not for boys (c) Physiological measures are usually used for the onset but not for the end (d) Physiological measurements are usually used for both boys and girls

20) The prototype of the modern intelligence test for children was first developed by:
(a) Stanford (b) Terman (c) Binet (d) Wechsler (e) None of these