Public Administration Punjab PMS Paper I 2009
Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Posts of Provincial Management Service, ETC. – 2009
Subject: Public Administration Paper I
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 What is public administration? Discuss and contrast traditional managerial approach to public administration with New Public Management.
Q.2 Comparatively evaluate Taylor’s Scientific Management and Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy, and discuss their relevance to contemporary public organizations.
Q.3 What is good governance? Explain the role of public administration in good governance particularly with reference to developing countries.
Q.4 Explain the rational model of decision making. How this model is used in public policy analysis. Discuss with examples.
Q.5 “Effective human resource management is a key to efficient and effective public organizations”. Discuss with examples.
Q.6 Discuss and explain the concept of “politics-administration dichotomy” and its significance in public administration theory.
Q.7 How would do you define administrative reform? Critically review various models of administrative reform for improving performance of public sector organizations.
Q.8 Drawing upon various theories of motivation, develop a guideline for practicing public administrators to motivate their staff for sustained good performance.