Public Administration Punjab PMS Paper II 2009
Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Posts of Provincial Management Service, ETC. – 2009
Subject: Public Administration Paper II
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Discuss major functions performed by the Federal Government of Pakistan, identify the key challenges and issues and suggest ways for improvement.
Q.2 What is the significance of training and education for civil services? Critically evaluate pre-service and in-service training of civil servants in Pakistan and provide recommendations for making training programmes more effective.
Q.3 Discuss Civil Service Reform of Pakistan under the 1973 Constitution and evaluate its importance for improved governance in the country.
Q.4 What is Good Governance? Discuss salient features of bureaucratic structure of Pakistan to determine the extent to which the existing structure facilitates or impede good governance?
Q.5 Discuss various administrative reforms introduced in Pakistan in the last decade. Compare and contrast the role of Deputy Commissioner (DC) and District Coordination Officer (DCO) under Pre and Post-Devolution structure.
Q.6 What are the major issues and challenges in public policy formulation and implementation in Pakistan? Discuss with examples from key areas including health, education and development.
Q.7 Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of local governance structure of Provincial Administration under the new system of Local Government with special reference to the province of Punjab.
Q.8 Discuss the key components of Public Personnel Administration in Pakistan. Evaluate their relevance and significance for an efficient human resource management in our public sector organizations.