Public Administration Punjab PMS Paper I 2014

Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Posts of Provincial Management Service, ETC. – 2014
Subject: Public Administration Paper I
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. Compare and contrast Traditional Public Administration with New Public Management as two distinct approaches to managing the public affairs. Support your views with examples from practice of public administration.
Q.2. A public organization may be viewed as a “rational system designed to achieve its predetermined goals and objectives to serve the public interest”. Would you prescribe to this view? Answer this question drawing on competing theoretical perspectives in organizational theory.
Q.3. What is an ideal model of policy process in a democratic system? Discuss and explain the role of civil bureaucracy in this process.
Q.4. Budgeting has a very significant role in public administration. The budget is viewed as a policy as well as management tool. However, there are various types of budgeting which can be practiced by the government. Discuss and compare these types of budgeting in term of their effectiveness as a tool of public management.

Q.5. discuss ” Human Resource Management” as a distinct approach to managing people in contemporary organizations. Do you think this approach is equally applicable to public and business organization?

Q.6. what is good governance? Do you think the concept and principles of good governance as discussed in the literature and professional practice of public administration are relevant to developing countries like Pakistan?
Q.7. critically review the role of privatization as an approach to administrative reforms to improve public sector management in the developing countries.

Q.8. What is development? Discuss the role of public organization in development with particular reference to developing countries.
