Sociology KP PMS Paper 2022

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Provincial Management Service Officers 2022


Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

QI: Conflict Perspective is based on the idea that society consists Of different groups who Struegle with one another to attain the scarce societal resources that are considered valuable, be they money, power, prestige. or cherished values, Evaluate your answer with the he’p cfstrong theoretical arguments of famous sociologists.

QII: Individual is product of society and culture. Different methods cf socialization lead to a variety of building norms and values in the personality of individuals, Discuss in detail with the relationship of
individual society and culture.

Qlll; What role caste system is playing in decision making on po’itical issues especially locat bodies elections in rural areas Of Pakistan? How this system based political organization influences the community development processes? Discuss in the light of conflicts arising from the situation and their impact on the individual, family and society. Discuss.

QIV: What do you understand by experimental method used in data collection? Explain why some researchers preferred it over other data collection methods in social sciences and for what kind of
Studies experimental method is used by researchers?

QV: Social Problems are abnormalities in social relationships which manifests themselves when people live in groups, which are considered dangerous and intolerable and which must be eliminated to
safeguard the society. Discuss these arguments with examples from Pakistani society.

QVI: The high population growth rate is the main enemy of the poor and developing countries—do you agree? Why? Why not? Support your answer with concretereasons frorn Pakistan. What steps should be takento control it.

QVll:Technological Developments and Social changes in the form of Evolution and Progress of any rate exist there as the adjustment factors change them according to the environmental conditions. Support
this statement with examples.

QVIII: Rural-Urban migration is causing labour-drain form rural cornmunities. What problems this situation IS creating in the labour market of rural communities. As a sociologist, what do you suggest to minimize these problems? Discuss with exampies from Pakistan.
