Veterinary Science Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus Recommended Books

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1 Cunningham. I. G. 2002. Textbook of Veterinary Physiology. W. B. Saunders Co. 3rd Edition. USA.

2 Adams. H.R., 2001. Veterinary Pharmacology & therapeutics, 8th Ed. Iowa State University Press USA.

3 Urquhart. G.M.J. Armour, J.L. Duncan. A.M. Dunna and F.W. Jennings. 2000. “Veterinary Parasitology”. Longman Scientific and Technical, UK.

4 Quinn, P.J., 2002. Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease. 1st. Ed. Blackwell Science, Ltd., USA.

5 Latimer, K.S., E.A. Mahaffey and K.W. Prasse, 2003. Duncan & Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine Clinical Pathology. 4th Ed., iowa State Press. Ames, lowa, USA.

6 Kumar, V.R.S. Cotran and S.L. Robbins, 2003. Robbins Basic Pathology, 7th Ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

7 Hafez, E.S.E., 2000. Reproduction in Farm Animals. 7th Edition., Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.

8 Radosits, O.M., C.C. Gay, D.C. Blood and K.W. Hinchliff, 2000. Veterinary Medicine, 9th Ed. Bailliere Tindall, London, U.K.

9 Thrusfield, M., 2005, Veterinary Epidemiology, 3rd Ed. Blackwell Science, London, UK.

10 Jones, H.J., M. W. Hubbert and H. Hagstard, 200. Zoonoses-Recognition. Control and Prevention. Blackwell Science, Ltd., Oxford, UK.
