Veterinary Science Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus


Total Marks: 100

Animal Nutrition

Basic terms used in Animal Nutrition. Digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in monogastric and ruminants. Bio-chemical pathways that influence nutrient metabolism. Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids as nutrients, energy metabolism, classification, functions and deficiency symptoms of minerals and vitamins factors affecting nutritive value of feeds.

Techniques for estimating nutritive value of feed stuffs. Factors effecting the nutritive value of feeds. Measures of food energy; gross energy, metabilisable energy, net energy. Determination of digestibility, digestion coefficient. Calculation of TDN.

Nutritive ratio. Role of probiotic in animal nutrition. Feeding of urea to ruminants. Technology for urea. Molasses mineral blocks. Procedure for block making. Feed raw materials handling, storage, grinding, mixing, processing and storage of finished feed. Quality control in feed processing. Feed stuff laws and regulations.


Development of poultry industry in Pakistan; present status and future potential of poultry industry; important classes, breeds and varieties of poultry and their characteristics; objectives of poultry breeding for meat and egg production; qualitative and quantitative traits and their heritability estimates, systems of breeding and their significance; pure breed vs present day hybrid used for meat and egg production; the role of selection in genetic improvements. Brooding, rearing and laying house equipments; raising of broilers; rearing of layer chicks; shifting and housing of pullets; cage vs floor management; layer and breeder management; causes of poor performance of layer and breeder flocks and development of managemental strategies for its improvement; factors affecting pullet development; basic principles for site selection; poultry house construction and design; requirements of housing from biological engineering, economic and hygienic point of view.

Livestock Management

Routine practices at dairy and sheep/goat farms. Management of animals at different stages. Housing, Feeding and production management. Management during inclement weather. Management of range livestock. Judging of animals. Breeding practices. Sanitation procedure. Planning for year round feed and fodder supply and preservation. Manure handling and disposal hygienic milk production practices. Maintaining farm records and evaluation. Financial and labor management. Transportation and marketing of animals and their production.

Animal Breeding and Genetics

Genetic and phenotypic correlation. Emerging techniques. Traits of economic importance in farm animals. Use of computer for data handling and analysis. Breeding systems; random mating, inbreeding, line breeding and outbreeding; selection of superior animals, principles, basis, kinds and methods; traits of economic importance in cattle, buffalo sheep, goats and poultry; animal genetic resources, their conservation and preservation; emerging breeding technologies; national breeding policy, constraints and future breeding plans.


  1. D.N. Panday and Amita Bajpai 2003. Recent Trend in Animal Nutrition and Feed technology for livestock, pets and laboratory animals.

  2. Sainsbury, D. 1999. Poultry Health and Management; chickens, turkey, ducks, geese and quails, Blackwell scientific publications, London, UK.

  3. Hunton, P. (Editor). 1995 Poultry production: production system approach. Elsevier science publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  4. Lagates, J.E. and E.J. Warwick, 1990. Breeding and improvement of Farm Animals. McGraw-Hall Publishing Co. New York.

  5. Bourdon, R.M. 2000. Understanding Animal Breeding. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper, Saddle River, New Jersey.

  6. Jagdish, P. 2005. Principles and practices of Dairy Farm Management. Kalyani publishers Delhi India.

  7. Shah, S.I. 1994. Animal Husbandry. National Book Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan.
