Veterinary Science Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus Recommended Books

1 D.N. Panday and Amita Bajpai 2003. Recent Trend in Animal Nutrition and Feed technology for livestock, pets and laboratory animals

2 Sainsbury, D. 1999. Poultry Health and Management; chickens, turkey, ducks, geese and quails, Blackwell scientific publications, London, UK

3 Hunton, P. (Editor). 1995 Poultry production: production system approach. Elsevier science publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

4 Lagates, J.E. and E.J. Warwick, 1990. Breeding and improvement of Farm Animals. McGraw-Hall Publishing Co New York.

5 Bourdon, R.M. 2000. Understanding Animal Breeding. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper, Saddle River, New Jersey

6 Jagdish, P. 2005. Principles and practices of Dairy Farm Management. Kalyani publishers Delhi India

7 Shah, S.I. 1994. Animal Husbandry. National Book Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan
