Journalism KP PMS Paper 2013

KP, Public Service Commission, Peshawar
Competitive Examination for Provincial Management Service, 2013

Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100

NOTE:- Attempt any Five Questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

Q.1: Objectivity is a much needed characteristic of a reporter in covering the stories especially political news. Discuss?

Q.2: Define media ethics and also describe primary sources for furnishing those?

Q.3: Write down a comprehensive note on importance of free and responsible press in a democratic society?

Q.4: How can an advertiser increase brand awareness while following principles of advertising?

Q.5: What type of role can ‘News Magazines play in political socialization of youth?

Q.6: Do you think that Broadcast Media is deviating from its standard role in Pakistan. Answer should be argumentative?

Q.7: Describe in detail purpose and scope of Public Relations?

Q.8: Write a critique on World Information Order?