Pakistan Affairs Punjab PMS Syllabus

Punjab PMS Pakistan Studies (Combination of Both Subjective & Objective) Syllabus

Marks 100
a. Muslim rule in the sub-continent and its downfall. Muslim renaissance, reform and educational movements. Pakistan Movement; Role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam in the making of Pakistan.
b. Land and People of Pakistan. Geography, Society,
Culture, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Industry, Education.
c. Pakistan and the changing regional scenario.
d. Pakistan’s nuclear program and international concerns.
e. Regional Cooperation including SAARC, ECO, SCO and the role of Pakistan.
f. Socio-economic challenges and opportunities in Pakistan.
g. National security dynamics and challenges for Pakistan.
h. Pakistan and the United Nations.
i. Pakistan and important global issues, including Palestine, growing extremism and militancy, war on terror etc.
J Constitutional history of Pakistan.
k. Political evolution since 1971.
l. Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Pakistan & its Neighbors,
Super Powers, the Islamic Block and the European Union.
m. Evolution of democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan.
n. Kashmir Dispute.

o. Situation in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on Pakistan.
p. Pakistan’s energy problems, their economic impact and prospects for the future.
q. Socio-economic, problems of Pakistan and strategies to deal with issues related to poverty, education, health, sanitation, empowerment of women and human rights.
r. 1973 Constitution, Constitutional amendments and important Constitutional cases.
s. Governance issues in Pakistan, accountability, transparency, Fundamental Rights, Women empowerment, Sustainable developments goals etc.
