English Literature Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus


Total Marks: 100

Drama and Poetry

Description: The readings in this paper focus on selected creative works (Drama and Poetry) written or translated into English language. These readings are wide in scope, offering debate over the contemporary cross-genre and cross-disciplinary interpretations. In general, the candidates are expected to:

  1. Display some background historical knowledge and prove their interest in literary writing.

  2. Talk about some basic elements/features of drama and poetry through a comprehensive and understandable expression and relate it to the composition of literary sensibility.

  3. Comprehend and comment critically and analytically about the suggested readings.

  4. Draw on comparisons and contrasts between the classical and the popular, the real and the fantastic, the different and the common, or even between elusive versus illusive and “good” versus “not good”.

  5. Form and express and independent viewpoint about these readings.



  1. Sophocles: Oedipus Rex

  2. William Shakespeare: The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet

  3. G.B. Shaw. Pygmalion

  4. John Osborne: Look Back in Anger [Look Back in Anger – Audio]

  5. Eugene O’Neill: The Hairy Ape

  6. Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman

  7. Marsha Norman: ‘Night Mother


  1. William Shakespeare: Like as the waves make towards the pebble Sonnet

  2. John Donne: Death be Not Proud

  3. John Keats: Ode to Nightingale

  4. William Wordsworth: Ode to Immortality

  5. Samuel Coleridge: Kubla Khan

  6. Walt Whitman: One’s Self I Sing

  7. W.B. Yeats: The Second Coming

  8. T.S. Eliot: The Wasteland

  9. Maya Angelou: Women Work

  10. Robert Frost: Mending Wall, The Road not Taken

  11. Seamus Heaney: Digging Digging read by Seamus Heaney

  12. Sylvia Plath: Morning Song

  13. Taufiq Rafat: The Stone Chat

  14. Daud Kamal: The Water Carrier

  15. Alamgir Hashmi: Autumnal, Pakistan Movement
