Agriculture Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus

PAPER-I Total Marks: 100

Natural resources (land, water, biological and climatic) of Pakistan and their impact on crop production.

Climatic factors and their relationship with crop growth processes like photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration.

Agro-ecological zones of Pakistan and their features.

Dry farming. Organic farming for agricultural environmental pollution management. Use of bio-fertilizers, biopesticides and natural products. Biological N2 fixation and factors affecting biological N2 fixation. Source-sink relationships in crop plants.
Weed-crop interference; competition and allelopathic interactions.

Role of Agri. Extension in current and future agriculture in Pakistan. Methods and steps to evaluate extension activities. Global overview of Agri. extension. Types, principles, strategies and significance of audio-visual aids in Agri. Extension.
Importance, potential and principles of Agroforestry. Various agroforestry systems. Forest products and utilization features of range management in Pakistan. Major wildlife species found in Pakistan, their morphological features, behaviour and habitats. National forest policy and other land use policies. Biodiversity, its conservation, threats and losses, Impact of environmental changes on biodiversity.

Role of Indus Basin Irrigation System in the development of agriculture in Pakistan.

Current and future scope of farm mechanization in Pakistan.

Food processing and preservation. Food industries of Pakistan and their role in the national economy. WTO implications to food business. Food analysis, contamination of foods business. Food analysis, contamination of foods and its control measures. Processing and uses of dairy products. Basic nutrition requirements of human body and their relationship with nutrition related diseases.

Indicators and issues of agriculture sector in Pakistan and their role in national economy. Land tenure systems and land reforms in Pakistan. Principles, objectives and functions of WTO. Role of IT in agriculture.
