S.No. | Title | Author |
1. | Anthropology | William A Haviland |
2. | Cultural Anthropology | Conrad Philip Kottak |
3. | Diffusion of Innovation | Evert M. Roger |
4. | Socio Cultural Dynamics and impact of Technological Change | G. M. Foster |
5. | Pakistani Society | Akbar S. Ahmed |
6. | Economic Anthropology | Sutti Ortiz |
7. | Political Anthropology: An introduction | Ted. C. Lewellen |
8. | Pukhtun economy and society | Akbar S. Ahmed |
9. | Principles of Anthropology | Eliot Dismore Chapple and Carleton Stevens Coon |
10. | Anthropology and Modern life | Franz Boas |
11. | Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problem | John H. Bodley |
12. | Sindh and the Races that inhabit the Valley of the Indus | Richard Burton |
13. | The People of Pakistan | Yu. V. Jankovsky |
14. | Anthropology and Development | Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan |
15. | An Introduction to Theory in Anthropology | Robert Layton |
16. | Anthropological Theory | John R. McGee and Richard L. Warms |
17. | Anthropology in Pakistan | Stephen Pastner and Louis Flam |
18. | Anthropology (13th edition) | Carol R. Ember, Melvin R Ember and Pet N Peregrine |
19. | Other Cultures | John Beattie |
20. | A Hand Book of Social Science Research | Beverly R. Dixon, Gary D Bouma and G.B.J. Atkinson |
21. | Frontier Perspectives: Essays in Comparative Anthropology | Charles Lindholm |
22. | Generosity and Jealousy: The Swat Pukhtun of Northern Pakistan | Charles Lindholm |
23. | Friend by Day and Enemy by Night: Organized Vengeance in a Kohistani Community | Lincoln Keiser |
24. | A Punjabi Village in Pakistan | Zekiye Eglar |
25. | The social organization of the Marri Baluch | Robert Niel Pehrson |
26. | Introducing Anthropology | Park, MA 2007 |
27. | Peoples and Cultures of Asia | Scupin, R 2005 |
28. | Outlines and Highlights for Anthropology | Scupin, R and Decorse, CR 2010 |
29. | Economic Anthropology | Stuart plattner |
30. | Economies and Culture | Richard Wilk |
31. | Introduction to Anthropology of Religion | Brian Morris |