Anthropology CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

S.No. Title Author
1. Anthropology William A Haviland
2. Cultural Anthropology Conrad Philip Kottak
3. Diffusion of Innovation Evert M. Roger
4. Socio Cultural Dynamics and impact of Technological Change G. M. Foster
5. Pakistani Society Akbar S. Ahmed
6. Economic Anthropology Sutti Ortiz
7. Political Anthropology: An introduction Ted. C. Lewellen
8. Pukhtun economy and society Akbar S. Ahmed
9. Principles of Anthropology Eliot Dismore Chapple and Carleton Stevens Coon
10. Anthropology and Modern life Franz Boas
11. Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problem John H. Bodley
12. Sindh and the Races that inhabit the Valley of the Indus Richard Burton
13. The People of Pakistan Yu. V. Jankovsky
14. Anthropology and Development Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan
15. An Introduction to Theory in Anthropology Robert Layton
16. Anthropological Theory John R. McGee and Richard L. Warms
17. Anthropology in Pakistan Stephen Pastner and Louis Flam
18. Anthropology (13th edition) Carol R. Ember, Melvin R Ember and Pet N Peregrine
19. Other Cultures John Beattie
20. A Hand Book of Social Science Research Beverly R. Dixon, Gary D Bouma and G.B.J. Atkinson
21. Frontier Perspectives: Essays in Comparative Anthropology Charles Lindholm
22. Generosity and Jealousy: The Swat Pukhtun of Northern Pakistan Charles Lindholm
23. Friend by Day and Enemy by Night: Organized Vengeance in a Kohistani Community Lincoln Keiser
24. A Punjabi Village in Pakistan Zekiye Eglar
25. The social organization of the Marri Baluch Robert Niel Pehrson
26. Introducing Anthropology Park, MA 2007
27. Peoples and Cultures of Asia Scupin, R 2005
28. Outlines and Highlights for Anthropology Scupin, R and Decorse, CR 2010
29. Economic Anthropology Stuart plattner
30. Economies and Culture Richard Wilk
31. Introduction to Anthropology of Religion Brian Morris