British History CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

S.No. Title Author
1. The Conservative Party from Peel to Thatcher Blake, Robert, 1985
2. A New History of England, 410-1975 Seaman, L. C. B. (Lewis Charles Bernard), Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press, 1968.
3. Trends in Britain Politics since 1945 Cook, Chris and John Ramsden eds. 1978
4. The Hanoverians, 1714-1815 Green, V.H. 1976
5. The People’s Peace: British History 1945-1990 Morgan, Kenneth O,1992
6. Textbook of Modern English History 1714-1960 Southgate, G.W.A, 1961
7. English History, 1914-1945 Taylor, A.J.P. 1965
8. Europe Since Napoleon Thompson, David.1983
9. English Social History Trevelyan, G.M.
10. Britain and Empire L.J. Butler.
11. Politics without democracy: Great Britain 1815—1914 Bentley, Michael
12. England in the Eighteenth Century Serlley, W.T.
13. History of Britain Carter, E.H.
14. Mastering Modern British History Norman Lowe
15. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 1848—1918 Taylor, A.J.P.