(PART-II) 2 Hours & 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS:80
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Q.1 Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
1).The world’s oldest international human rights organization is a) amnesty international b) freedom house c) anti slavery d) None of these
2).The constitution of European union has not been ratified by a) Italy b) Netherlands c) France d) none of these
3). After united states, the largest contributor in the united nations budget is a) Germany b) France c) UK d) None of these
4). Ariana is an airline of a) Australia b) Egypt c) Iran d) None of these
5). What percentage Pakistan produces electricity from thermal source a) 30 % b) 50% c) 70% d) none of these
6). China’s fastest growing economy is facing a major challenge of a) population explosion b) shortage of electricity c) challenges of WTO regime d) None of these
7). US president George bush has created ‘millennium challenge Account’ to a) improve national security b) provide aid to iraq and afghanistan c) help poor countries pursuing democratic ideals d) None of these
8). 38th parallel is a boundary line between a) Canada and America b) north and south Vietnam c) greek and turkish port of Cyprus d) None of these
9). In which month does the un general assembly usually meet every year a) January b) march c) September d) none of these
10). Pakistan has recently been given observer status in a) organization of economic development cooperation and development (oecd) b) gulf cooperation council (gcc) c) shanghai cooperation organization(sco) d) None of these
11). The project to reduce water logging and salinity area in Pakistan has been financially supported by a) world bank b) IMF c) Asian Development Bank d) None of these
12). Pakistan and US navies recently conducted joint exercises in the Arabian Sea by the name of a) Optimum Impact b) Divers Move c) Inspired Union d) None of these
13). Which of the following internet search engine will introduce the worlds biggest digital library a) yahoo b) google c) giga blast d) None of these
14). The recently appointed United nations high commissioner for refugees Antonio guterres is the former prime minister of a) denmark b) Romania c) Canada d) None of these
15). When a country grants another country MFN (most favored nation) status in mutual trade, it implies a) providing same trade concessions as are being given to other countries b) trade will be through exchange of commodities rather than foreign exchange c) imports and exports payments will be in local currencies only d) None of these
16). The programme ‘united nations millennium development goals’ is focusing on a) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger b) achieve universal primary education c) promote gender equality and empower women d) all of the above
17). The largest agency of FATA (federally administered tribal areas) by area is a) north waziristan b) south waziristan c) Khyber agency d) None of these
18). Reuter is the news agency of a) USA b) Germany c) UK d) None of these
19). SAARC human resource development centre is located at a) Delhi b) Colombo c) Karachi d) None of these
20). Under Vision 2025 WAPDA will construct SATPARA Dam on Indus Rive in a) Balochistan b) NWFP c) Northern Areas d) None of these
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Part II
Q2. The new dimensions in Indo US warming up of relations would have serious implications for Pakistan and the world region, discuss
Q3. The phenomenon of terrorism has occupied center stage in today’s world. Highlight the difference between terrorism and a freedom struggle. Discuss the issue of terrorism in the backdrop of what is happening in Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir and Afghanistan.
Q4. America has been bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. What would be America’s exit strategy to disengage itself from the prevalent confrontational situation? discuss.
Q5. How best can the issue of Provincial Autonomy in Pakistan be resolved within a viable Federal Structure? Discuss
Q6. The Gwadar Port would have great strategic significance in addition to its vast economic potential not only for the uplift of Balochistan but for the neighboring countries like China,
Afghanistan and the Central Asian States, comment.
Q7. In Muslim Societies factors like justice, rejuvenation, education, and enlightenment, which determine the conditions of human societies are miserably lacking. Analyze the problems confronting the Muslim world in the light of this statement.
Q8. Analyze the convergence and divergence of interests in Pakistan –Iran relations since the last two decades.
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