Current Affairs CSS Paper 2007





(PART-II) 2 Hours & 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS:80



Q.1 Write the only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Petronas towers are located in: a. Singapore b. Chicago c. Kaula Lumpur d. None of these
(2) Name of the present Un secretary general is: a. Kofi Annan b. Bon ki-Moon c. Batrus Ghali d. None of these
(3) The length of common border between India and Pakistan is: a. 900 miles b. 1000 miles c. 1100 miles d. None of these
(4) Last SAARC conference was held in 2004 at: a. Islamabad b. Kathmandu c. Colombo d. None of these
(5) China became the member of the World Trade Organization in: a. 1998 b. 2002 c. 2004 d. None of these
(6) The number of players in each team of basketball game is: a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. None of these
(7) Which is the largest Surah of Holy Quran: a. Surah Al-Imran b. Sura Al-Baqarah c. Surah Yaseen d. None of these
(8) The Olympic games in 2004 were held in: a. Athens b. Sydney c. California d. None of these
(9) How many members the National Security Council (Pakistan ) has: a. 11 b. 13 c. 15 d. None of these
(10) Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006 was awarded to: a. Dr. Mahatir Mohammad b. Dr Mohammad Yunus c. Dr Abdul Kalam d. None of these
(11) Denzel Washington is renowned as: a. USA army general. b. British Naval Commander c. Hollywood actor d. None of these
(12) The number of OIC member states is: a. 55 b. 57 c. 59 d. None of these
(13) Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Center is locates at: a. Karachi b. Lahore c. Islamabad d. None of these
(14) Hugo Chavez is the president of: a. Venezuela b. Brazil c. Bolivia d. None of these
(15) what is the name of the only Pakistani who won the Nobel Prize: a. Dr Ashfaq Ahmed b. Dr. Abdus- Salam c. Dr. Abdul Qadeer d. None of these
(16) Maple leaf is the National emblem of: a. Germany b. China c. Canada d. None of these
(17) Name of Bangladesh parliament is: a. People National Assembly b. Majilis-I-Shoora c. Jatia Sangsad d. None of these
(18) India has constructed “Baglihar Dam” in occupied Kashmir`s district of: a. Udhampur b. Doda c. Jammu d. None of these
(19) “Hamas” was founded in 1987 by: a. Yasser Arafat b. Ismail Haniyeh c. Khalid Meshaal d. None of these
(20) which of the following regions of Balochistan will be irrigated through Kachi canal project: a. Quetta b. Zhob c. Nasirabad d. None of these

Part II

Q. 2. What are the factors which contribute to the global warming? What measures have been agreed in the Kyoto protocol to minimize the harmful effects of Pollution?
Q. 3. Association of the South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) is a success story of the regional organization. What lessons SAARC can learn from the experience of ASEAN?
Q. 4. there is a perception that the USA is preparing to attack Iran. Discuss the possibilities of this scenario and its implication at global level especially in the Middle East, and on Pakistan.
Q. 5. China, India, and Pakistan are three Nuclear States in the Asian Continent. Is this a potential threat or strength for the continent? Analyze.
Q. 6. Pakistan is suffering from crises of governance at the Institutional level. Suggest remedies to mitigate this situation.
Q. 7. the organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) has not played an effective role in protecting the rights of member states. How can it become a vibrant organization to achieve its objectives?
Q. 8. Write notes on any Two of the following: (a) Neo-Conservatism in the USA (b) Human Development (c ) Geneva Convention (d) Balkanization