Economics CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings

S.No. Title Author
1. A Text-book of Economics Theory Stonier & Hague
2. Economic Development Todaro, M.P.
3. Under Development and Agrarian Structure in Pakistan Khan, Mahmood Hassan
4. Economic of Islam Ahmed, S.M.
5. Economics Paul A. Samuelson
6. Factors in Economic Development Cairncross, A.K
7. Foreign Aid Theory and Practice in Southern Asia Wolf, Jr. DC
8. Government Finance—An Economic Analysis Due John, F.
9. Introduction to International Economics Snider, D.A, Paul Krugman, Dominick Salvatore
10. Microeconomics Ferguson, C.E. & Gould, J.P., Nicholson, Mankiw
11. Macroeconomics Rudiger Dornbusch  and Stanley Fischer Blanchard
12. Population Problems Thompson & Lewis
13. Studies in Economic Development with Special Reference to Pakistan Ghouse, A.
14. History of International Trade Findlay, R and O’ Rourke, K
15. Colonialism and Modernization Karl Marx Anchor books
16. On Colonialism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
17. Economic Survey of Pakistan Government Publication
