Table of Contents
- Civil, war ‘in Afghanistan: Consequences for regional countries.
- The present scenario in Afghanistan against the backdrop of the Soviet debacle
- Afghan peace enigma: implications for Pakistan.
- ‘The more developed a country, the more lethally it is armed.’
- Role of armament manufacturers in destabilizing the thud-world countries
- The dismemberment of Pakistan and its consequences.
- Past and future perspective of the Nuclear Disarmament Talks
Balance of Power
- The Oil glut and its implications on balance of power.
Current International Issues
- Central Asia today: Emerging Political and Economic Patterns
- The resurgence of Central Asia
- Does not ‘might is right’ hold good even at the advent of the twenty-first century?
- The genesis of the Iran-Iraq War and its repercussions on the two countries, and its effect on the whole region?
- Apartheid.
2011.Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties and nations it is the rule.
1972. Statesmen and Diplomatists.
Ethnic Cleansing
- The barbarity of ethnic cleansing
- “Ethnic cleansing” of Bosnian Muslims, repression of Muslims in Occupied Kashmir and flushing out of Palestinians for a home for the Jews are an insult to human conscience in this enlightened age of science
- Brexit means globalization is the rhetoric of the privileged, and capitalism will return ferociously as ever.
- The world as a global village: Learning to live together.
- Mass Resistance in Occupied Kashmir: Options for Pakistan
- The emerging power of social media: prospects and problems.
- Free speech should have limitations.
- Modern day communication via social networks puts an end of true and sincere relationships.
- Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by the print and electronic media
- Power of Media in the Modern World
- Globalization and electronic media
- The Press and the nation rise and fall together
- Press Freedom and Responsibility.
- For democracy to survive, let the Press suffer no curbs.
- “Freedom of the Press”
- Role of Press in the Third World.
- Mass Media and Opinion formation.
- Brain-washing
- Modernity is an unending project.
- Nuclear Weapons Are ‘not Only A Great Peril, But A Great Hope’
- The danger of a nuclear war in the years to come
- Pakistan’s Nuclear Programme: alternative scenarios.
- ‘Nuclear Contamination” – Is the threat real or imaginary?
- Nuclear Technology and the Third World.
- The Nuclear Power Programme in Pakistan.
- Being a minority is a fate no one wants. Can nationalism be really inclusive?
- The character of a nation can be judged by its symbolic narratives.
- Patriotism
- ‘Nationalism’ and ‘Super nationalism’ in Our Times.
- The United Nations in the 21st Century: Obligations and Limitations.
- The U.N.O has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter.
- The future of UNO, Hopes, and Hurdles
- The United Nations: its triumphs and failures since its inception.
- WTO (World Trade Organization) and its implication for developing economies like Pakistan
- 50 years of the UN: a critical evaluation.
- ECO (Economic Co-operation Organization) an experiment in regional integration.
- SAARC and the role of India.
- The non-aligned movement.
- South Asian Regional Co-operation – the emergence of a new power bloc.
- The Role of the Third World in the United Nations;
- More and more International military engagements by the United Nations; is the world moving towards peace?
- Are modern wars not holy wars?
- Great nations win without fighting.
- Can we prevent the Third World War?
- Peace the essential message of our religion
- China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and it’s socio-economic implications for the region and the world.
- Pakistan- Afghanistan relations: Post-Soviet withdrawal phase
- Pakistan and the Muslim World.
- Pakistan’s Response to the Changing Regional Situation.
- Soviet-American Detente;
- The Arabs versus Israel
- Sino-American Relations
- Sino-Soviet Differences
- “The concept of national sovereignty is out of date”
- In the fight against terrorism and corruption, it is imperative not to compromise human rights and civil liberties.
2015: The War on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights - Violence is the large refuge of the incompetent.
- Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism.
- Pakistan’s War on terror and its impact on our psyche and politic.socio.economic fronts.
- Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary world
- International crisis in terrorism
- Liberation movements and terrorism
Third World
- “New World Order” Implications for Third World Countries
- Growing debt problem of the Third-World
- The plight of the Third World and the urgency of a new economic order
- The Problems of Social, Economic and Political Development in the Third World
- CTBT and its implications for Pakistan
- Non-proliferation Treaty and Pakistan.
- Postmodern ethos – a challenge to the West.
2011.The time we live in is the winter of the world. - My proposals for a Peaceful World in the 1980s
- Some fashionable Follies of the Modern World