Table of Contents
- Administrative Corruption and Inefficiency — Its causes and cures.
- Eradication of corruption from society.
- Corruption as the bane of Society.
- Corruption and its distorting effect on the social and economic structure.
- The curse of corruption in developing countries with special reference to Pakistan.
- Control of corruption in Pakistani society.
- How can a man indulge in bribery, and nepotism, and injustice, and extortion, and deception, without batting an eyelid, if he believes in the Hereafter?
- Pakistan Cultural Situation
- Our Cultural Heritage.
- Estrangement from our own culture is driving us on the verge of collapse, not just our identity but also morality.
Dress and Manners
- Formal and Casual dressing Codes
- “The apparel oft proclaims the man”
- Table Manners
Drug Abuse
- “Drug Addiction” Its effects, extent and how to combat it?
Human Values
- Truth is lived, not taught.
- Time management is the keynote of success.
- Lack of discipline – a national disaster.
- Materialism in the death of spirituality.
- Dreams for future rely on the work of today.
- Truth In Short Supply
- Longing for Love
- Austerity as a solution to all our economic problems
- On tolerance
- “Turn not thy cheek in scorn towards folk nor walk with pertness in the land”. (Al-Quran)
- Self—Esteem
- “And whoso is saved from narrow-mindedness — such are they who are successful”. (Al-Quran)
- Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains”
- “None but the brave deserve the fair”
- “Cowards die many times before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once”
- “….and eat and drink but be not prodigal Lo! “He loveth not the prodigal,” al-Qur’an, VII: 31.
- The Power of Imagination.
- Disadvantages of Being a gentleman
- Sense of Humor
- Work — the Way to Happiness
- Man is the Slave of Habit.
- Conscience versus Command
- Aesthetic Values
Human Being
- Man as part of a design infinitely vaster than himself
- Man is condemned to be free
- The sick soul.
- The divided self and the process of its unification.
- Man’s Physiological and Psychological Relationship with Animals
- Spare the Rod and spoil the Child.
- Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
- Child is the Father of man”.
- Man does not live by bread alone
- “What a Piece of work is Man.”
- “Let there be light!” said God, “And there was light” “Let there be blood!” says man, and there’s a sea!
- “What a piece of work is man!” says tragedy “What a piece of work indeed?” says comedy.
- “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.”
- Humankind cannot bear very much of reality.
- Man was born free and everywhere he is in chains.
- Man gets what he strives for. (Al-Quran).
- “Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change”. — Kung Fu-Tzu Confucius.
Human Rights
- The traditional male role changed in the last 20 years.
- Gender equality is a myth.
- Free speech should have limitations.
- All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but they are in shackles everywhere.
- Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan?
Women Rights
- New waves of feminism and our culture.
- Feminism is not really a Third World issue.
- Gender equality is a myth!
- Frailty, thy name is woman.
- Women sports persons as new ambassadors of the soft image of Pakistan.
- Social and Economic Securities for Women in Islam.
- Does Pakistan society regard woman as the angel in the house or source of all evils?
- Can women be equal to men in Pakistan?
- Status of Women in Islam
- The state of women rights in Pakistan
- Persecuted poor woman
- Gender Discrimination
- “Frailty thy name is Woman”
- The causes of female backwardness in Pakistan and an appraisal of the contribution that women can make to the national development effort
- The plight of women and moves for their “empowerment”
- Islam and women
- Role of female education in social development
- Socio-Economic Status of Women in Pakistan
- Separate Universities for Women
- The International Women’s Year
- Sometimes we do not see what we see.
- Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
- Beware the barrenness of a busy life!
- Life without controversy is no life. But why one should not choose the safe haven of conformism?
- We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.
2015: When life throws you lemons, make lemonade - Country life is better than city life.
- Let me take care of today, tomorrow shall take care of itself.
- The Suffering Soul in the Scientific Age.
- All life is a game of power. The object of the game is simple enough to know what you want and to get it.
- My philosophy in life
- In the quest for happiness, success is only one ingredient and is often too dearly purchased
- The quality of life is not measured in terms of calories alone
- “Purpose of life on earth”
- Reverence for life
- How words change our lives?
- The Measurement of Personality;
- The Impact of Socio-Cultural factors on Personality Development
- The importance of Environment in the formation of personality.
- Population growth in Pakistan and its implication
- Resource development and population growth.
- Is overpopulation a human capital to be proud of? Discuss with special reference to Pakistan.
- Prospects of demographic equilibrium in Pakistan through family-planning.
- Is a small family necessarily a prosperous family? Discuss critically.
- Strategies for the alleviation of poverty.
- Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan ban overview.
- The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty.
- Third World Poverty: Dimension and alleviation strategies.
- The Evils of Prosperity.
Sectarianism / Ethnicity
- The scourge of sectarian militancy and ethnic violence in Pakistan.
Social Problems - Socio-Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan.ic Challenges faced by Pakistan.
- Young habits die hard.
- The decay of idealism in Pakistan.
- What are the social evils rampant in our society? Discuss them in their order of importance. How would you eradicate them? What are its implications for Pakistan’s present and future?
- Kalashnikov and heroin culture and Pakistani youth.
- Popular Superstitions.
- Can we abolish Gambling?
- Identify and discuss some of the more serious political, social and economic problems.
- Sports for Women— Suitable and Unsuitable
- Role of sports in Character Building
- The problem of unemployment amongst the educated youth.
- Overcrowded Professions.
- Unemployment and Pakistani youth.