Table of Contents
- The Value of Architecture and its influence on life
- Art for peace.
- Art Critics and reviewers.
- Art and Morality
- “Every art is an imitation of nature”
- “The Artist is the leader of civilized society”
- Art and Morality.
- Art as a vehicle of social reconstruction.
- Art and Religion
- All recorded history is contemporaneous.
- “Most of the history is Guessing, and the rest is prejudice”.
- History as ‘the biography of great men
- Those who will not learn from history shall relieve it.
- The value of the study of history.
- “If’ in History
- The lessons of the past
- 2020. Do we really need literature in our lives?
- Urdu literature and the Progressive Movement.
- Literature is a lonely planet of idealists.
- Literature as a great cultural artifact.
- Literature is the best criticism of life.
- Poetry is the highest form of expression – the greatest proof is the Holy Quran.
- Humour In Urdu Literature
- “Of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable.”
- Literature transmits incontrovertible condensed experience from generation to generation. In this way, literature becomes the living memory of a nation
- “If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at all”.
- Values of literature and its influence on life
- Contemporary Pakistani Literature
- The Social Role of a Writer
- “Our Sweetest Songs are those that tell Of Saddest thoughts”
- The Writer’s Role in an Ideological State
- Urdu Poetry Today
- Urdu Literature since 1935
- The influence of Western Literature
- Experiment in Literature
- “A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth man’s minds about to religion.”
- “My friend it is the poet’s work…..Dreams to interpret and to mark….Believe me that man’s true conceit…In a dream becomes complete! All poetry we ever read…Is but true dreams interpreted” (Hans Sachs in Die Meistersinger) Comments on the significance of Dreams.
- Psychotherapy
- Psychoanalysis
- An Evaluation of Various Theories of Psychotherapy
- Psychology and its social meaning.