English Idioms CSS Past Papers Questions Organized

English Idioms in CSS Past Papers since 1971.

1To break the ice2020
2Nip in the bud2020
3See eye to eye with2020
4For good2020
5Tamper with2020
6The small hours2020
7Keep up appearance2020
8Prima facie2020
9To cast pearls before swine2019
10To step into one's shoes2019
11Stuff and nonsense2019
12A wild goose chase2019
13To be ill at ease2019
14Sit on the fence2019
15In a jiffy2019
16To preen oneself2019
17Show and tell2018
19To the death2018
20Tilt at windmills2018
21Het up2018
22The whole ball of was2018
23It's about time2018
24Punch up2018
25Spirit away2017
26Plough back2017
27Eager beaver2017
28Ring a bell2017
29Be left holding the baby2017
30Cap in hand2017
31Hold out a carrot2017
32Over the moon2017
33Smash hit2016
34Murphy’s law2016
35Place in the Sun2016
36Wooden spoon2016
37Go bananas2016
38Beard the Lion in his den2016
39Groan inwardly2016
40Chicken out2016
41Itching palm2015
42The primrose path2015
43Break one's fall2015
44Wash one's hands of2015
45To become reconciled to2015
46To militate against2015
47To be cognizant of2015
48Wages of sin2015
49To bring grist to the mill2014
50To keep one’s fingers crossed2014
51With one’s tongue in one’s cheek2014
52A storm in a teacup2014
53To talk through one’s hat2014
54Hum and Haw2014
55To let the grass grow under one’s feet2014
56Penny wise and pound foolish2014
57The milk of human kindness2013
58A rule of thumb2013
59Out and out2013
60To wash one's dirty linen in public2013
61To pay through the nose2013
62To lose face2013
63Wool gathering2012
64Under the harrow2012
65Cold comfort2012
66A gold digger2012
67Walk with God2012
68On the thin ice2012
69A queer fish2012
70Unearthly hour2012
71To eat one's words2011
72Dog in the manger2011
73A close shave2011
74A Freudian slip2011
75A Gordian knot2011
76A cog in the machine2011
77A sugar daddy2011
78A wet blanket2011
79Make for2010
80Yeoman’s service2010
81Discretion is the better part of valour2010
82A casting vote2010
83Look down upon2010
85Out of the wood2010
86A swan song2010
87Leave in the lurch2009
88Hard and fast2009
89Weather the storm2009
90Bear the brunt2009
91Meet halfway2009
93Where the shoe pinches2009
94Blow one’s top2008
95A cock and bull story2008
96Find one’s feet2008
97Call it a night2008
98The tip of the iceberg2008
99Below par2008
100From pillar to post2008
101Hang up2008
102Turn someone in2008
103By and by2008
104Twiddle with2006
105Vamp up2006
106Whittle away2006
107Winkle out2006
108Give someone the bum’s rush2006
109Loom large2006
110Besetting sin2006
111To hang fire2006
112Keep one’s nose to the grindstone2005
113Throw someone for a loop2005
114Letter perfect2005
115Off the wall2005
116Out to lunch2005
117Salt something away2005
118Take someone to the cleaners2005
119Wear the pants in the family2005
120To bring grist to the mill2004
121Set one’s cap at2004
122To draw the long bow2004
123To send a person to Coventry2004
124Beer and skittles2004
125The acid test2004
126A skeleton in the cupboard2004
127To discover a mare’s nest2004
128Kick the bucket2003
129Bolt from the blue2003
130Put your foot down2003
131Worth your salt2003
132Down the drain2003
133All cars2003
134Swan song2003
135Cheek by Jowl2003
136In a nutshell2003
137Give me five2003
138Take aback2002
139Take after2002
140Take for2002
141Take ill2002
142Take off2002
143Take over2002
144Take to2002
145Take to task2002
146Take to One's heels2002
147Take with a grain or pinch of salt2002
148The teaming meanings2001
149To kick the bucket2001
150To push to the walls2001
151To read between the lines2001
152To be at daggers drawn2001
153To throw down the gauntlet2001
154To be a Greek2001
155To stand on ceremony2001
156From the horse’s mouth2001
157To carry the cross2001
158Blow one’s top2000
159A cock-and-bull story2000
160Find one’s feet2000
161Call it a night2000
162The tip of the iceberg2000
163Below par2000
164From pillar to post2000
165Hang up2000
166Turn someone in2000
167By and by2000
168Keep regular hours2000
169An unearthly hour2000
170The small hours2000
171A night owl2000
172Have a night out2000
173At any moment2000
174Have one’s moments2000
175Have a minute to all one’s own2000
176A night on the town2000
177On the spur of the moment2000
178A jaundiced eye1999
179A left handed compliment1999
180The ruling passion1999
181Tower of strength1999
182Steal a march on someone1999
183In one's bones1999
184Hang in the balance1999
185Fly in the ointment1999
187The tricks of the trade1998
188The blessing in disguise1998
189His own man1998
190The gift of the gab1998
191The pillar of society1998
192Another cup of tea1998
193A mug's game1998
194A piece of cake1998
195A feather in his cap1998
196The rank and file1998
197To beat the air1997
198To beggar description1997
199To bring to mind1997
200To call in question1997
201To cap it all1997
202To clip one's wings1997
203To cross the Rubicon1997
204To feel the pulse1997
205To fly in the face of1997
206To rise like a phoenix from its ashes1997
207Bear out1996
208Back out1996
209Carry over1996
210Come off1996
211Fall back1996
212Figure out1996
213Live with1996
214Set in1996
215Cover up1996
216Iron out1996
217Between Scylla and Charybidis1994
218Hobson’s choice1994
219Sting in the tail1994
220With open arms1994
221Wash one’s hand of (To)1994
222Count one’s chickens (To)1994
223Burn midnight oil (To)1994
224Play truant1993
225Play down1993
226Turn turtle1993
227Turn the corner1993
228A fair weather friend1993
229Under a cloud1993
230Burn one’s boats1993
232Between the devil and the deep sea1992
233A wild goose chase1992
234Over head and ears1992
235Time and tide1992
236To live from hand to mouth1992
237To beat about the bush1992
238To fish in troubled waters1992
239A bird’s eye-view1992
240Damocles’ sword1991
241Every inch1991
242Spade a spade1991
243On the sky1991
244Palm off1991
245Lip service1991
246A turncoat1991
247A wild goose chase1991
248White elephant1990
249Blue Blood1990
250Cleanse the Augean stable1990
251Apple of discord1990
252In good books1990
253Between the devil and the deep sea1990
254Stare in the face1990
255Make off with1990
256Account for1989
257Carry weight1989
258To fall back upon1989
259To be taken aback1989
260A wild goose chase1989
261By leaps and bounds1989
262As cool as a cucumber1989
263To burn the midnight oil1989
264As cool as a cucumber1988
265Have your cake and eat too1988
266In a Pickle1988
267Take a cake1988
268Sell like hot cakes1988
269As flat as a Pancake1988
270Take something with a grain of salt1988
271Like two peas in a pod1988
272To back out1987
273To keep out of1987
274Bang into1987
275To smell a rat1987
276To burn one's fingers1987
277Null and void1987
278To catch up with1987
279To stand up for1987
280To skim through1987
281To narrow down1987
282By and by1985
283The lion's share1985
284In black and white1985
285To bring to book1985
286To read between the lines1985
287To stick to one's guns1985
288To be under a cloud1985
289By fits and starts1985
290To look a gift horse in the mouth1984
291To have an axe to grind1984
292To wash one's dirty linen in public1984
293To pocket an insult1984
294To take to one's heels1984
295To win laurels1984
296A gentleman at large1984
297(i) Much __________ about nothing1983
298(ii) __________ is the last refuge of the Scoundrel.1983
299(iii) To put the __________ before the __________.1983
300(iv) __________ of the same __________ flock together.1983
301(v) A __________ in time saves __________.1983
302(vi) __________ dogs seldom __________.1983
303(vii) Sweets are the uses of __________.1983
304(viii) Eternal __________ is the price of __________.1983
305(ix) A __________ child __________ the fire.1983
306(x) One man's __________ is another man's __________.1983
307To come to a dead end1982
308To turn a deaf ear1982
309Every dark cloud has a silver lining1982
310Blowing hot and cold together1982
311To let the cat out of the bag1982
312To put the cart before the horse1982
313To sail in the same boat1982
314A Swan Song1982
315To have your cake and eat it too1981
316Between the devil and the deep blue sea1981
317To be in hot water1981
318To be on the carpet1981
319It never rains but it pours1981
320A miss is as good as a mile1981
321To give oneself airs1981
322To have the courage of one's convictions1981
323The onlooker sees most of the game1981
324Out of sight out of mind1981
325Pocket the affront1980
326Thin end of the wedge1980
327Flash in the pan1980
328To keep at a respectful distance1980
329At one's beck and call1980
330Go against the grain1980
331Bring grist to the mill1980
332Upset the apple cart1980
333Hoist on one's own petard1980
334Live on the fat of the land1980
335Take down a peg1979
336To monkey with1979
337In hot water1979
338Petticoat Government1979
339To pull oneself together1979
340To rise from the ranks1979
341To rub shoulders1979
342The acid test1978
343A bad hat1978
344In a blue funk1978
345Set one's cap1978
346Down at heel1978
347To die in harness1978
348Dead as a doornail1978
349To raise coin1978
350To strike one's colours1978
351To carry the day1978
352To bear the brunt of1977
353To call a spade a spade1977
354To fight shy of1977
355To cry over spilt milk1977
356To burn the candle at both ends1977
357To rob peter to pay Paul1977
358To take the bull by the horns1977
359Playing to the gallery1977
360Holding out the olive branch1977
361To make out1977
362Trudge along1976
364In the doldrums1976
365Dole out1976
366At cross purposes1976
367Cheek by jowl1976
370Detract from1976
372To sow one's wild oats1975
373Storm in a teacup1975
374To keep late hours1975
375To throw cold water on1975
376A cock-and-bull story1975
377To bear the brunt of1975
378Tied to apron-strings of1975
379To move heaven and earth1975
380To blow one's own trumpet1975
381To rest on one's laurels1975
382When all is said and done1974
383An axe to grind1974
384Turn over a new leaf1974
385Burn the candle at both ends1974
386Leave in the lurch1974
387Goes with saying1974
388Like a red rag to a bull1974
389Not a leg to stand on1974
390Under the thumb of1974
391The writing on the wall1974
392Turn to account1973
393To beat the air1973
394To break a lance with1973
395To foul of1973
396To keep an open door1973
397To put out of countenance1973
398Got up to kill1973
399To have a finger in the pie1973
400To fall back on something1972
401To fall through1972
402On right earnest1972
403Vested interests1972
404Meaningful Dialogue1972
405Carry out1971
406Taken over1971
407Bring about1971
408Beat out1971
409Bear with1971