English Synonyms CSS Past Papers Questions

English Synonyms CSS Past Papers Questions

Q. 5. (a) Choose the ANALOGY of words written in capital letters. Attempt any FIVE. (5)
(i) LION: ROAR (a) Snake: Slither (b) Goat: Bleat (c ) Lizard : Crawl (d) Elephant : Tusk
(ii) SHADOW : LIGHT (a) Flood : Rain (b) Image : Object (c ) Reaction : Action (d) House : Bricks
(iii) CLOT: BLOOD (a) Ink: Water (b) Curdle: Milk (c ) Vaporize : Camphor (d) Brew : Coffee
(iv) FEARFUL: COWER (a) Humble: Boast (b) Weak : Exercise (c ) Arrogant : Strut (d) Wise : Dispute
(v) EXPEDITE: HASTEN (a) Conscript: Write down (b) Diver: Make harder (c ) Facilitate: Make easiest (d) Satirize: Praise
(vi) WOOD: FURNITURE (a) Father : Child (b) Tree : Seedling (c ) Soil : Clay (d) Stone : Sculpture
(vii) SURGEON: DEXTEROUS (a) Clown : Fat (b) Actress : Beautiful (c ) Athlete : Tall (d) Acrobat : Agile
(viii)LECHER: LUST (a) Pith: Herb (b) Glutton: Greed (c ) Business: Profit (d) Showbiz: Fame

Q. 5. (a) Choose the analogy of the words written in capital letters (Any five).(5)
(i) SLAPSTICK : LAUGHTER (a) Fallacy : Dismay (b) Genre : Mystery (c ) Satire : Anger (d) Horror : Fear
(ii) CONVICTION: INCARCERATION (a) Reduction : Diminution (b) Induction : Amelioration (c ) Radicalization : Estimation (d) Marginalization : Intimidation
(iii) PROFESSOR : ERUDITE (a) Aviator : Licensed (b) Inventor : Imaginative (c ) Procrastinator : Conscientious (d) Overseer : Wealthy
(iv) METAPHOR : SYMBOL (a) Pentameter : Poem (b) Rhythm : Melody (c ) Nuance : Song (d) Analogy : Comparison
(v) SPY : CLANDESTINE (a) Accountant : Meticulous (b) Furrier : Rambunctious (c ) Lawyer : Ironic (d) Shepherd : Garrulous
(vi) VERVE : ENTHUSIASM (a) Loyalty : Duplicity (b) Devotion : Reverence (c ) Intensity : Colour (d) Eminence : Anonymity
(vii) DELTOID : MUSCLE (a) Radius : Bone (b) Brain : Nerve (c ) Tissue : Organ (d) Blood : Vein
(viii)DEPENDABLE : CAPRICIOUS (a) Fallible : Cantankerous (b) Erasable : Obtuse (c ) Malleable : Limpid (d) Capable : Inept

Q.1 (A) Choose the word that is near most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words. (1 Mark each) (10)
1. BRISTLE: a) Regulate b) Flare up c) Frail d) Exhilarate e) None of These
2. DELUGE a). Immerse b) Rescue c) Drown d) Overflow e) None of These
3. TIRADE a) Argument b) Procession c) Angry Speech d) Torture e) None of These
4. QUASI a) Secret b) Improper c) Seeming d) Whole e) None of These
5. VILIFY a) To Prove b) Boast c) Defraud d) Defame e) None of These
6. RIGMAROLE a) Unnecessary b) Disorder c) Confused Talk d) Game e) None of These
7. DEIGN a) Condescend b) Pretend c) Disparage d) Refuse e) None of These
8. PROLETARIAT a) Trade Agreement b) Government Secretariat c) Labouring Class d) Wealthy Class e) None of These
9. LUDICROUS a) Liberal b) Fearful c) Comic d) Praise Worthy e) None of These
10. MALEFIC a) Baleful b) Belonging to a male person c) Social d) Fighting by Nature e) None of These

Q.1. (a) Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in Capital letters. (Do only FIVE) Extra attempt of any Part of the question shall not be considered. (05)
(i) CHRONICLE: (a) Daily ritual (b) Widely held belief (c ) Account of events.
(ii) FLUME: (a) Sea bird with a wing (b) Narrow gorge with a span four times its body length stream running through it (c ) Warm summer wind.
(iii) EPITAPH: (a) Editorial (b) Clever head line (c ) Tomb stone inscription.
(iv) LACONIC: (a) Concise (b) Weekly (c ) Circular.
(v) SHINGLE: (a) Gravelly beach (b) Exposed sand har (c ) Group of dolphins.
(vi) FILIAL: (a) Related by marriage (b) Of sons and daughters(c ) Of brothers.
(vii) MISOPEDIA: (a) A hatred for children (b) Middle age (c ) Family history.
(viii) MENAGE: (a) Marriage vow (b) Household (c ) Golden years.

Q.1. (a) Pick the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the capitalized word. (5) (Do any FIVE). Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(i) ACRIMONIOUS (a) Bitter (b) Provocative (c ) Cheap (d) Volatile
(ii) CALLIGRAPHY (a) Computers (b) Handwriting (c ) Blood pressure (d) Brain waves
(iii) UNEQUIVOCAL (a) Variable (b) Plain (c ) Unmistakable (d) Negligent
(iv) DEMISE (a) Conclude (b) End (c ) Affection (d) Death
(v) INCENDIARY (a) Happy (b) Sneer (c ) Causing fire (d) Jolly
(vi) TOUCHSTONE (a) Remind (b) A hall (c ) At rest (d) Criterion
(vii) VOID (a) Emptiness (b) Lea (c ) Anger (d) Trick
(viii) ESSAY (a) Direct (b) Compose (c ) Attempt (d) Suppose
Q.1. (a) Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. (5) (Do only FIVE) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(i) OBSCURE (a) unclear (b) doubtful
(ii) AMIABLE (a) obnoxious (b) affable
(iii) HOODWINK (a) delude (b) avoid
(iv) GUILEFUL (a) honourable (b) disingenuous
(v) OBSESSION (a) fixed ideas (b) delusion
(vi) RADICAL (a) innate (b) moderate
(vii) PRESUMPTIVE (a) credible (b) timid
Q.5. b. Indicate the meaning of any FIVE of the following: (5)
i. Brag ii. Antiquarian iii. Input iv. Prodigal v. Bibliophile vi. Nostalgia vii. Burn one’s boats viii. Feedback ix. Agrarian

Q4. (A) Choose synonyms (only five)
1- LACUNAE a-tiny marine life b-shallow water c-local dialect d-missing parts
2-PAROXYSM a-moral lesson b-sudden outburst c-contradiction d-pallid imitation
3-GROTTO a-statue b-cavern c-neighbourhood d-type of moth
4-FETTER a-rot b-to restrain c-make better d-enable to fly
5-STOICISM a-indifference b-boldness c-deep affection d-patient endurance
6-SUCCULENT a-edible b-parched c-generous d-mature
7-MALEDICTION a-compliment b-summary c-perfume d-awkwardness
Q No. 4 (A) Chose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. (1 mark each)
(1) FINICKY: (a) unstable (b) troubled (c ) fussy (d) unpleasant
(2) SAMIZDAT: (a) underground press (b) secret police (c ) twirling jig (d) large metal tea urn
(3) VELD: (a) arctic wasteland (b) European plains (c ) South African grassland (d) Deep valley
(4) CAJUN: (a) French-Canadian descendant (b) American Indian (c ) Native of the Everglades (d) Early inhabitant of the Bahama Islands
(5) LOGGIA: (a) pathway (b) Marsh (c ) gallery (d) carriage
Q4. (A) choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters
1). ANATHEMA a) curse b) cure c) anemia d) asthma
2). TORPOR a) fever b) lethargy c) taciturn d) torrid
3). TOUCHSTONE a) criterion b) gold c) character d) characteristics
4). SEQUESTER a) eliminate b) finalize c) sedate d) isolate
5). DENOUEMENT a) denunciation b) dormancy c) termination d) explanation
Q4. (a) Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. * (5)
(1) ARCHIPELAGO: 1. Reef 2. Glacier 3. Cluster of islands 4. Lagoon
(2) PIAZZA: 1. Cheese dish 2. Veranda 3. Public Square 4. Style or dash
(3) BAKLAVA: 1. Stringed instrument 2. Dessert 3. Whining dance 4. Gratuity
(4) IONIC: 1. Indian stone monument 2. Greek architecture 3. Roman Sculpture 4. Mediterranean Sea
(5) CICERONE: 1. Teacher 2. Literary classic 3.Chaperone 4. Guide

Q7. Read the following dialogue and place the following words in it at proper places. (10)
Sweating away as usual Health first, exam second Can you study while confined to bed. Has anyone be marketed anywhere? An unwanted commodity As long as there is life, there is hope. You will become a thin, gaunt, half-blind weakling with sunken cheeks and haggard looks. Once again grow into a rosy-cheeked young man. There is no deviation from it. The paring of ways.
– Good morning Waseem ——————-and looking pale. Come out in the open.
– I am sorry, Nadeem. I cannot do that. The examination is drawing near and I want to utilize every minute for its preparation.
– To hell with exam ——————-
– Well, health is good but failure is bad. Therefore, one should take books and study them for the University exam.
– Suppose you grow into a bookworm and as a result fall ill. ——————- Again, many boys work hard and get degrees. Do you think they get jobs? Our society is flooded with graduates but ——————-? They are roaming about with degrees in their hands. They are —————-.
– Well. A degree is an ornament in itself, job or no job. Besides, there is no need to be hopeless. I am sure when I get a degree with a good grade, I am sure to get a job in a Government office or in a private firm. You know that ——————-.
– Well, how should I explain to you the blessing of a good health? If you continue treading on this path, ——————-. Please come into the fresh air take exercise and play some game and ——————- Don’t grow old prematurely.
– Please listen, I want to be a graduate this year, now or never. I have made up my mind for this and ——————-.
– Well, if this is your aim, then ——————-.
– Bye
– Bye

Q5. Rearrange the following in pairs of synonyms. garrulous, selfish, near, talkative, obstruct, egoistic, wealthy, impede, affluent, filch, imminent, assess, tempting, ponder, augment, enticing, meditate, increase, estimate, steal.
Q4. A woman is talking to her next-door neighbour about an elderly married couple she knows, and about their personalities. Using only Adjectives, complete the blanks according to the explanations she gives either before or afterwards. Vague words like “good”, etc. will not-be acceptable. Write out the passage in your answer books underlying the words you have filled in: 20

“Well, yesterday I met old Mrs. Ahmad. Lovely old lady she is, always cheerful and helpful and ever so– which is more than I can say about that husband of her’s. He is so—–, arguing and shouting and complaining all the time. And I thought my husband was —— until I saw the way he holds on to his money! Not that she worries or complains. I have never known any one so—- But he is really’ ,I mean he never thinks about her or what she wants. He’s got no feelings at all, the —— old devil! They are just so different: If you tell her about your problems, she listens and tries to understand and gives you advice, you now, very—–. And it’s only because of her that children have turned so polite and charming, such —— young people. He just gave them discipline, told them what they couldn’t do like some —– school master. Still, Mrs. Ahmad keeps smiling and happy. I don’t think I’d be that —–, married to him!”

Q4. Indicate the meaning of any five of the following: 10
a) Brag, b) Antiquarian, c) Input, d) Prodigal, e) Bibliophile, f) Nostalgia, g) Output, h) Feedback, i) Agrarian.

Q5. Given below are a number of key words: Select any five and indicate the word, you believe is nearest in meaning to the key word:
i) Perturb: a) to upset b) to cause doubt c) to burden d) to test.
ii) Wry: a) twisted b) sad c) witty d) suffering.
iii) Ferret: a) to search b) to trap c) to hide d) to flee.
iv) Pallid: a) weak b) pale c) dull d) scared.
v) Intrepid: a) fearless b) cowardly c) dull d)fool hardy.
vi) Reprisal: a) surprise b) award c) revision d) retaliation.
vii) Viable: a) wavering b) divided C) capable of living d) fading.
viii) Resurgent: a) revolutionary b) fertile c) rising again d) fading

Q4. For each of the phrases at the left, write in your answer book the word closest in meaning to the phrase from the four words given on the right: 10
i) Clear away a) Clean b) empty c) removed) finish,
ii) Break down a) collapse b) enter c) Cut off d) begin,
iii) Keep up a) restrain b) control c) continue d) maintain,
iv) Turn out a) refuse b) start c) produced) arrive,
v) See over a) examine b) repair C) discovered) Enquire.

Given below are a number of keywords: Select any three and indicate the word or phrase you believe is nearest in meaning to the keyword:
i) Domesticate: a) to turn native, b) be exclusive, c) cut claws, d) tame.
ii) Antics: a) expectation, b) temper, c) string games,- d) absurd behaviour.
iii) Recapitulate: a) to surrender, b) be indecisive, c) summarisè, d) retract.
iv) Hypothetical: a) philosophical, b) truce, c) assumed, d) volatile.
v) Data: a) ideas, b) belief, c) point of origin, d) information.
vi) Era: a) a disaster, b) cycle, c) period of history, d) -curious event.
vii) Trait: a) a narrow enclosure, b)strong point, c) distinguishing feature, d) footprint.

Q5. Given below are a number of key-words. Select any five and indicate the word or phrase you believe is closest in meaning to the keyword: 10
i) Foible: a) Witty report b) Petty lie c) Personal weakness.
ii) Premise: a) Assumption b) Outline c) Commitment.
iii) Sacrosanct: a) Peaceful b) Sacred c) Mundane d) Painful.
iv) Calumny: a) Misfortune b) Praised) Quietness d) Slander.
v) Viable: a) Credible b) Questionable c) Workable d) Vital.
vi) Decorum: a) Style of decoration b) Innocence c) Social conformity d) Modestly.
vii) Touchstone: a) Goalpost b) worry bead c) Magic Jewel d) Standard or Criterion.
viii) Sheepish: a) Embarrassed b) Conforming c) Cowardly d) Unfortunate.
5. Describe the meaning of any FIVE of the following foreign phrases.
(i) Prima facie (ii) Ex post facto (iii) Fait accompli (iv) Vis-a-vis (v) Modus operandi (vi) Aide memoire (vii) Laissez faire (viii) Au revoir

5. Use any FIVE of the following phrases in your own sentences so as to make their meaning clear. (i) Ab initio (ii) Bona fides (iii) En bloc (iv) Ex paste (v) Sine die (vi) Status quo (vii) Ad valorem (viii) Alter ego
6. Check and write the word or phrase you believe is nearest to the meaning of any TEN of the following words.
(i) Moratorium: (large tomb, waiting period, security for debt, funeral house)
(ii) Prolific: (skillful, fruitful, wordy, spread out)
(iii) Bi-Partisan: (narrow minded, progressive, representing two parties, divided)
(iv) Unequivocal: (careless, unmistakable, variable, incomparable)
(v) Covenant: (prayer, debate, garden, agreement)
(vi) Tentative: (expedient, nominal, provisional, sensitive)
(vii) Demographic: (relating the study of: government, demons, communications, population)
(viii) Sonar Apparatus to (detect something in the air, locate objects under water, measure rain, anticipate earthquake)
(ix) Progeny: (a genius, offspring, ancestors, growth)
(x) Empirical: (relay on theory, based on experience, having vision of power, disdainful)
(xi) Polarize: (chill, to separate into opposing extremes, slant, cause to be freely movable)
(xii) Apolitical: (conservative, rude, non-political, radical)
(xiii) Plenary: (timely, combined, florid, full)
(xiv) Entourage: (decorators, tourist, attendant, adversaries)
(xv) Diagnosis: (identification of an illness, prophecy, plan, likeness)
(xvi) Nucleus: (core, outer part, inedible nut, quality)

(a) Write brief definitions of the following ten words.
(i) Munificent (ii) Rapacious (iii) Jeopardize (iv) Fatuous (v) Edify (vi) Esoteric (vii) Impasse (viii) Incongruous (ix) Docile (x) Repercussions
(a) Each of the following words has more than one meaning. Choose any FIVE of them and by using them in at least two sentences each indicates what these different meanings are: (i) Report (ii) Ruler (iii) Point (iv) Wear (v) Glasses (vi) Vessel (vii) Stage (viii) Spirit
1971. (a) Use the following words in at least TWO senses, either as a verb or as a noun or as an adjective or as both
(i) Clear (ii) Face (iii) Energy (iv) Value (v) Build