English Pair of words CSS Past Papers Questions

English Pair of Words – CSS Past Papers

Q. 6. Use only FIVE pairs of words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings. (10)
(i) Creak, Creek (ii) Palate, Palette (iii) Elicit, Illicit (iv) Peal, Peel (v) Taut, Taught (vi) Faint, Feint (vii) Rheum, Room (viii) Wreak, Reek
Q. 6. Use only FIVE pairs of words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings. (10)
(i) Antic, Antique (ii) Draught, Drought (iii) Quaint, Queer (iv) Momentary, Momentous (v) Compliment, Complement (vi) Eminent, Imminent (vii) Faint, Feint (viii) Immigrant, Emigrant
Q 6. Use only FIVE pairs of words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings. (10)
(i) Annalist, Analyst (ii) Gest, Jest (iii) Sleigh, Slay (iv) Shoot, Chute (v) Coign, Coin (vi) Key, Quay (vii) Wile, While (viii) Leek, Leak
Q. 6. Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meanings. (10)
(i) Gibe, Jibe (ii) Epigram, Epigraph (iii) Brawl, Bawl (iv) Crib, Crypt (v) Barmy, Balmy (vi) Peat, Petite (vii) Monogamous, Monogenous (viii) Postilion, Posterior

Q. 6. (a) Explain the difference between the following word pairs (Any FIVE) by using each word in your own sentences: (5)
(i) Callous, Callus (ii) Born, Borne (iii) Faint, Feint (iv) Dinghy, Dingy (v) Lose, Loose (vi) Waiver, Waver (vii) Shear, Sheer (viii) Resister. Resistor

Q. 6. (a) Explain the difference between the following word pairs (Any FIVE) by using each word in your own sentences: (5)
(i) Wrath, Wroth (ii) Veracity, Voracity (iii) Subtler, Sutler (iv) Retenue, Retinue (v) Minute, Minuet (vi) Furor, Furore (vii) Dinghy, dingy (viii) Bony, Bonny

Q. 6. (a) Explain the difference between the following word pairs by using each word in your own sentences (Any five): (5)
(i) Adverse, averse (ii) altogether, all together (iii) allude, elude (iv) braise, braze (v) curb, kerb (vi) faze, phase (vii) maybe, may be (viii) moat, mote

Q.5. (b) Explain the difference between the following word pairs by defining each word. (Do only Five) (05)
(i) Plaintiff, plaintive (ii) valet, varlet (iii) monitor, mentor (iv) complacent, complaisant (v) penitence, penance (vi) crevice, crevasse (vii) beneficent, beneficial
Q.5. (b) Use ONLY FOUR of the following pair of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (Extra attempt shall not be considered). (04)
(i) Adjoin, Adjourn (ii) Allay, Ally (iii) Bases, Basis (iv) Click, Clique (v) Distract, Detract (vi) Liable, Libel
Q.5. (b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following Pairs of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning: Extra attempt shall not be considered. (10)
(i) Capital, Capitol (ii) Assay, Essay (iii) Envelop, envelope (iv) Decree, Degree (v) Desolate, Dissolute (vi) Species, Specie (vii) Tortuous, Torturous (viii) Wet, Whet

Q.5. (b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (10) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(i) Adverse, Averse (ii) Maize, Maze (iii) Medal, Meddle (iv) Imperious, Imperial (v) Veracity, Voracity (vi) Allusion, Illusion (vii) Ordnance, Ordinance (viii) Willing, Wilful

Q.6.(b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (10) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(i) Persecute, Prosecute (ii) Luxuriant, Luxurious (iii) Mean, Mien (iv) Observation, Observance (v) Naughty, Knotty (vi) Ghostly, Ghastly (vii) Hew, Hue (viii) Hoard, Horde

Q.4. b. Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to bring out their meanings: (5)
i. Mitigate, Alleviate ii. Persecute, Prosecute iii. Popular, Populace iv. Compliment, Complement v. Excite, Incite vi. Voracity, Veracity vii. Virtual, Virtuous viii. Exceptional, Exceptionable

Q No. 6 (B) Use ONLY FIVE pair of words in sentences:
(1) Veracity, Voracity (2) Persecute, Prosecute (3) Moat, Mote (4) Loath, Loathe (5) Ingenious, Ingenuous (6) Fair, Feign (7) Emigrant, Immigrant (8) Wreak, Wreck

Q6 (B) use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings
1). Council, counsel 2). Distinct, distinctive 3). Apposite, opposite 4). Deprecate, depreciate 5). Punctual, punctilious 6). Judicial, judicious 7). Salutary, salubrious 8). Canvas, canvass

Q6. (b) Use FIVE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings: * (10)
1. Auger, Augur 2. Fain, Feign 3. Emigrate, Immigrate 4. Envy, Jealousy 5. Invade, Attack 6. Trifling, Trivial 7. Simulation, Dissimulation 8. Venal, Venial

Q6. Use FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences. (10)
Brooch, broad Collusion, collision Fain, feign Hoard, horde Illusion, delusion Persecute, prosecute Prescribe, proscribe Respectfully, respectively Complacent, complaisant
Q6. Use FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own to bring out the difference: (10) Knead, need; Queue, cue; quarts, quartz; choral, coral; discrete, discreet; epoch, epic; Libel, liable; male, mail; banned, band; barred, bard;
Q6. Use FIVE of the following pairs of words so as to bring out the difference in their meanings.
(i) Occlude, Occult (ii) Practical, Practicable (iii) Raze, Raise (iv) Cannon, Canon (v) Avenge, Revenge (vi) Caret, Carat (vii) Revel, Reveal
(viii) Aviary, Apiary (ix) Demesne, Demean
Q6. Use FIVE of the following pairs of words or phrases into- sentences so, that the difference in the meaning of each pair is made clear:- (10)
(i) altogether, all together (ii) ambiguous, ambivalent; (iii) apprise, appraise; (iv) bad, badly; (v) compare, contrast; (vi) deduce, imply; (vii) differ from; differ with; (viii)) farther, further.

Q5. Use any Five of the following pairs of words your own sentences to bring out the difference in their meaning:- 10
i. All, Awl; (ii) Boy, Buoy; (iii) Fallow, Fellow: (iv) Jewry, Jury; (v) Functional, Disfunctional; (vi) Yew, Eue; (vii) Allusive, Elusive; (viii) Ladylike, Ladyship.

Q3. Use any five of the following pairs of words so as to bring out the difference in their meanings: 10
a) Queue: cue, b) Differ: defer, c) Conscious: conscience, d) Confidant: confidante, e) Atheist: agnostic, f) Loose: Lose, g) Briefing: debriefing, h) Dual, duel, i) Complement: compliment

Q3. Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in their meaning:
i) Assent, Ascent ii) Ballot, Ballet iii) Corps, Corpse iv) Due, Dew v) Diary, Dairy vi) Momentary, momentous vii) Route, Rout viii) Veil, Vale.
Q3. Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences demonstrating difference in their meaning: a) Access, Excess b) Ascent, Accent c) Resources, Recourse, d) Whether, Weather e) Premier, Premiere f) Ingenious. Ingenuous g) Felicitate, Facilitate h) Conscious, Conscientious i) Disease, Decease.

Use any three of the following sets of words in sentences so as to bring out clearly the difference in their meaning: 18
a) Adept, Adopt, Adapt b) Alleged, Accused, Suspected c) Bear, Borne, Born d) Raise, Rise, Raze e) Smell, Stink, Scent f) Least, Less, Lest g) Quiet, quite, Quite h) Their, There, They’re

Q3. Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in meaning clearly: 15
a) Collision, Collusion, b) Verbal, Verbose, c) Facilitate, Felicitate, d) Conscious, Conscientious, e) Wave, Waive, f) Wreck, Wreak, g) Virtual, Virtuous, h) Flatter, Flutter, i) Deference, Difference, j) Humility, Humiliation

Use any five of the following pairs of words in your sentences to differentiate their meaning: 10
Custom, habit, deface, efface, differ ,defer, conduct, character, considerate, considerable, complement, compliment, feet, feat, fair, fare, enviable, envious.
3. Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring the difference in meaning clearly.
(i) Disclosure, Exposure (ii) Rigorous, Vigorous (iii) Custom, Habit (iv) Peculiar, Particular (v) Prescribe, Proscribe (vi) Accident, Incident (vii) Choice, Preference (viii) Ascent, Assent (ix) Emigrant, Immigrant (x) Continuous, Continual

Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to differentiate them in their meanings and functions. (i) Complement, Compliment (ii) Outbreak, Breakout (iii) Facilitate, Felicitate (iv) Precede, Proceed (v) Layout, Outlay (vi) Cease, Seize (vii) Career, Carrier (viii) Acculturate, Acclimatize
Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in meaning clearly.
(i) Eminent, Imminent (ii) Deference, Difference (iii) Eligible, Illegible (iv) Judicial, Judicious (v) President, Precedent (vi) Superficial, Superfluous (vii) Immigrant, Emigrant (viii) Rightful, Righteous (ix) Contemptible, Contemptuous (x) Ingenious, Ingenuous

4. Examine the following word groups. Explain and use any FIVE of them in sentences to determine where genuine differences of meaning and function exist within the group.
(i) Table, Brand (ii) Opinion, Judgement (iii) Uninterested, Disinterested (iv) Revolt, Mutiny (v) Decay, Spoil (vi) Adjourn, Postpone (vii) Ignore, Neglect (viii) Conspiracy, Plot

Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences to bring out their meanings.
(i) Mitigate, Alleviate (ii) Persecute, Prosecute (iii) Popular, Populace (iv) Compliment, Complement (v) Excite, Incite (vi) Voracity, Veracity (vii) Virtual, Virtuous (viii) Exceptional, Exceptionable

(a) Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences as to bring out their meanings. (i) Canvas, Canvass (ii) Cast, Caste (iii) Appraise, Apprise (iv) Allusion, Illusion (v) Continual, Continuous (vi) Berth, Birth (vii) Apposite, Opposite (viii) Artist, Artiste

(a) Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings. (i) Cession, Session (ii) Canon, Cannon (iii) Barbarism, Barbarity (iv) Artist, Artisan (v) Antic, Antique (vi) Illusion, Allusion (vii) Aspire, Expire (viii) Collision, Collusion (ix) Counsel, Council (x) Expedient, Expeditious

(a) Use FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their meaning: (i) Affection, Affectation (ii) Urban, Urbane (iii) Official, Officious (iv) Beside, Besides (v) Casual, Causal (vi) Pour, Pore (vii) Humiliation, Humility (viii) Wreck, Wreak (ix) Bare, Bear (x) Temporal, Temporary

(a) Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in sentences to bring out clearly their difference in meaning. (i) Altar, Alter (ii) Apposite, Opposite (iii) Bear, Bare (iv) Complacent, Complaisant (v) Confident, Confidant (vi) Disease, Decease (vii) Gate, Gait (viii) Judicial, Judicious (ix) Ingenious, Ingenuous (x) Yoke, Yolk

(a) Use FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in their meaning. (i) Par, At a par (ii) Compliment, Complement (iii) Complacent, Complaisant (iv) State, Government (v) Eminent, Prominent (vi) Below, Beneath (vii) Portly, Comely (viii) Set up, Set upon (ix) Shall, Will (x) Sink, Drown

(a) Distinguish between the meaning of the words in the following pairs and use them in sentences to indicate what these different meanings are: (i) Amiable, Amicable (ii) Considerable, Considerate (iii) Ingenuous, Ingenious (iv) Momentary, Momentous (v) Virtuous, Virtual

(a) Distinguish between the meaning of the words in the following pairs, and use them in sentences to illustrate; (i) Grateful, Gratified (ii) Imaginary, Imaginative (iii) Negligent, Negligible (iv) Placable, Placeable (v) Restive, Restless

(a) Distinguish between the meaning of the words in the following pairs, and use them in illustrative sentences.
(i) Consciousness, Conscientiousness (ii) Ingenious, Ingenuous (iii) Fantastic, Fanatical (iv) Honourable, Honorary (v) Politician, Statesman
