English Pair of words CSS Past Papers since 1972.
# | Words | Year |
1 | Creak, Creek | 2024 |
2 | Palate, Palette | 2024 |
3 | Elicit, Illicit | 2024 |
4 | Peal, Peel | 2024 |
5 | Taut, Taught | 2024 |
6 | Faint, Feint | 2024 |
7 | Rheum, Room | 2024 |
8 | Wreak, Reek | 2024 |
9 | Antic, Antique | 2023 |
10 | Draught, Drought | 2023 |
11 | Quaint, Queer | 2023 |
12 | Momentary, Momentous | 2023 |
13 | Compliment, Complement | 2023 |
14 | Eminent, Imminent | 2023 |
15 | Faint, Feint | 2023 |
16 | Immigrant, Emigrant | 2023 |
17 | Annalist, Analyst | 2022 |
18 | Gest, Jest | 2022 |
19 | Sleigh, Slay | 2022 |
20 | Shoot, Chute | 2022 |
21 | Coign, Coin | 2022 |
22 | Key, Quay | 2022 |
23 | Wile, While | 2022 |
24 | Leek, Leak | 2022 |
25 | Gibe, Jibe | 2021 |
26 | Epigram, Epigraph | 2021 |
27 | Brawl, Bawl | 2021 |
28 | Crib, Crypt | 2021 |
29 | Barmy, Balmy | 2021 |
30 | Peat, Petite | 2021 |
31 | Monogamous, Monogenous | 2021 |
32 | Postilion, Posterior | 2021 |
33 | Callous, Callus | 2018 |
34 | Born, Borne | 2018 |
35 | Faint, Feint | 2018 |
36 | Dinghy, Dingy | 2018 |
37 | Lose, Loose | 2018 |
38 | Waiver, Waver | 2018 |
39 | Shear, Sheer | 2018 |
40 | Resister, Resistor | 2018 |
41 | Wrath, Wroth | 2017 |
42 | Veracity, Voracity | 2017 |
43 | Subtler, Sutler | 2017 |
44 | Retenue, Retinue | 2017 |
45 | Minute, Minuet | 2017 |
46 | Furor, Furore | 2017 |
47 | Dinghy, Dingy | 2017 |
48 | Bony, Bonny | 2017 |
49 | Adverse, Averse | 2016 |
50 | Altogether, All together | 2016 |
51 | Allude, Elude | 2016 |
52 | Braise, Braze | 2016 |
53 | Curb, Kerb | 2016 |
54 | Faze, Phase | 2016 |
55 | Maybe, May be | 2016 |
56 | Moat, Mote | 2016 |
57 | Plaintiff, Plaintive | 2015 |
58 | valet, varlet | 2015 |
59 | monitor, mentor | 2015 |
60 | complacent, complaisant | 2015 |
61 | penitence, penance | 2015 |
62 | crevice, crevasse | 2015 |
63 | beneficent, beneficial | 2015 |
64 | Adjoin, Adjourn | 2013 |
65 | Allay, Ally | 2013 |
66 | Bases, Basis | 2013 |
67 | Click, Clique | 2013 |
68 | Distract, Detract | 2013 |
69 | Liable, Libel | 2013 |
70 | Capital, Capitol | 2011 |
71 | Assay, Essay | 2011 |
72 | Envelop, envelope | 2011 |
73 | Decree, Degree | 2011 |
74 | Desolate, Dissolute | 2011 |
75 | Species, Specie | 2011 |
76 | Tortuous, Torturous | 2011 |
77 | Wet, Whet | 2011 |
78 | Adverse, Averse | 2010 |
79 | Maize, Maze | 2010 |
80 | Medal, Meddle | 2010 |
81 | Imperious, Imperial | 2010 |
82 | Veracity, Voracity | 2010 |
83 | Allusion, Illusion | 2010 |
84 | Ordnance, Ordinance | 2010 |
85 | Willing, Wilful | 2010 |
86 | Persecute, Prosecute | 2009 |
87 | Luxuriant, Luxurious | 2009 |
88 | Mean, Mien | 2009 |
89 | Observation, Observance | 2009 |
90 | Naughty, Knotty | 2009 |
91 | Ghostly, Ghastly | 2009 |
92 | Hew, Hue | 2009 |
93 | Hoard, Horde | 2009 |
94 | Mitigate, Alleviate | 2008 |
95 | Persecute, Prosecute | 2008 |
96 | Popular, Populace | 2008 |
97 | Compliment, Complement | 2008 |
98 | Excite, Incite | 2008 |
99 | Voracity, Veracity | 2008 |
100 | Virtual, Virtuous | 2008 |
101 | Exceptional, Exceptionable | 2008 |
102 | Veracity, Voracity | 2006 |
103 | Persecute, Prosecute | 2006 |
104 | Moat, Mote | 2006 |
105 | Loath, Loathe | 2006 |
106 | Ingenious, Ingenuous | 2006 |
107 | Fain, Feign | 2006 |
108 | Emigrant, Immigrant | 2006 |
109 | Wreak, Wreck | 2006 |
110 | Council, counsel | 2005 |
111 | Distinct, distinctive | 2005 |
112 | Apposite, opposite | 2005 |
113 | Deprecate, depreciate | 2005 |
114 | Punctual, punctilious | 2005 |
115 | Judicial, judicious | 2005 |
116 | Salutary, salubrious | 2005 |
117 | Canvas, canvass | 2005 |
118 | Auger, Augur | 2004 |
119 | Fain, Feign | 2004 |
120 | Emigrate, Immigrate | 2004 |
121 | Envy, Jealousy | 2004 |
122 | Invade, Attack | 2004 |
123 | Trifling, Trivial | 2004 |
124 | Simulation, Dissimulation | 2004 |
125 | Venal, Venial | 2004 |
126 | Brooch, broad | 2001 |
127 | Collusion, collision | 2001 |
128 | Fain, feign | 2001 |
129 | Hoard, horde | 2001 |
130 | Illusion, delusion | 2001 |
131 | Persecute, prosecute | 2001 |
132 | Prescribe, proscribe | 2001 |
133 | Respectfully, respectively | 2001 |
134 | Complacent, complaisant | 2001 |
135 | Knead, need | 2000 |
136 | Queue, cue | 2000 |
137 | quarts, quartz | 2000 |
138 | choral, coral | 2000 |
139 | discrete, discreet | 2000 |
140 | epoch, epic | 2000 |
141 | Libel, liable | 2000 |
142 | male, mail | 2000 |
143 | banned, band | 2000 |
144 | barred, bard | 2000 |
145 | Occlude, Occult | 1998 |
146 | Practical, Practicable | 1998 |
147 | Raze, Raise | 1998 |
148 | Cannon, Canon | 1998 |
149 | Avenge, Revenge | 1998 |
150 | Caret, Carat | 1998 |
151 | Revel, Reveal | 1998 |
152 | Aviary, Apiary | 1998 |
153 | Demesne, Demean | 1998 |
154 | altogether, all together | 1996 |
155 | ambiguous, ambivalent | 1996 |
156 | apprise, appraise | 1996 |
157 | bad, badly | 1996 |
158 | compare, contrast | 1996 |
159 | Deduce, imply | 1996 |
160 | Differ from; differ with | 1996 |
161 | farther, further | 1996 |
162 | All, Awl | 1994 |
163 | Boy, Buoy | 1994 |
164 | Fallow, Fellow | 1994 |
165 | Jewry, Jury | 1994 |
166 | Functional, Dysfunctional | 1994 |
167 | Yew, Eue | 1994 |
168 | Allusive, Elusive | 1994 |
169 | Ladylike, Ladyship | 1994 |
170 | Queue, cue | 1993 |
171 | Differ, defer | 1993 |
172 | Conscious, conscience | 1993 |
173 | Confidant, confidante | 1993 |
174 | Atheist, agnostic | 1993 |
175 | Loose, Lose | 1993 |
176 | Briefing, debriefing | 1993 |
177 | Dual, duel | 1993 |
178 | Complement, compliment | 1993 |
179 | Assent, Ascent | 1992 |
180 | Ballot, Ballet | 1992 |
181 | Corps, Corpse | 1992 |
182 | Due, Dew | 1992 |
183 | Diary, Dairy | 1992 |
184 | Momentary, momentous | 1992 |
185 | Route, Rout | 1992 |
186 | Veil, Vale | 1992 |
187 | Access, Excess | 1991 |
188 | Ascent, Accent | 1991 |
189 | Resources, Recourse | 1991 |
190 | Whether, Weather | 1991 |
191 | Premier, Premiere | 1991 |
192 | Ingenious. Ingenuous | 1991 |
193 | Felicitate, Facilitate | 1991 |
194 | Conscious, Conscientious | 1991 |
195 | Disease, Decease | 1991 |
196 | Adept, Adopt, Adapt | 1990 |
197 | Alleged, Accused, Suspected | 1990 |
198 | Bear, Borne, Born | 1990 |
199 | Raise, Rise, Raze | 1990 |
200 | Smell, Stink, Scent | 1990 |
201 | Least, Less, Lest | 1990 |
202 | Quiet, quite, Quite | 1990 |
203 | Their, There, They’re | 1990 |
204 | Collision, Collusion | 1989 |
205 | Verbal, Verbose | 1989 |
206 | Facilitate, Felicitate | 1989 |
207 | Conscious, Conscientious | 1989 |
208 | Wave, Waive | 1989 |
209 | Wreck, Wreak | 1989 |
210 | Virtual, Virtuous | 1989 |
211 | Flatter, Flutter | 1989 |
212 | Deference, Difference | 1989 |
213 | Humility, Humiliation | 1989 |
214 | Custom, habit | 1988 |
215 | deface, efface | 1988 |
216 | differ ,defer | 1988 |
217 | conduct, character | 1988 |
218 | considerate, considerable | 1988 |
219 | complement, compliment | 1988 |
220 | feet, feat | 1988 |
221 | fair, fare | 1988 |
222 | enviable, envious | 1988 |
223 | Disclosure, Exposure | 1987 |
224 | Rigorous, Vigorous | 1987 |
225 | Custom, Habit | 1987 |
226 | Peculiar, Particular | 1987 |
227 | Prescribe, Proscribe | 1987 |
228 | Accident, Incident | 1987 |
229 | Choice, Preference | 1987 |
230 | Ascent, Assent | 1987 |
231 | Emigrant, Immigrant | 1987 |
232 | Continuous, Continual | 1987 |
233 | Complement, Compliment | 1986 |
234 | Outbreak, Breakout | 1986 |
235 | Facilitate, Felicitate | 1986 |
236 | Precede, Proceed | 1986 |
237 | Layout, Outlay | 1986 |
238 | Cease, Seize | 1986 |
239 | Career, Carrier | 1986 |
240 | Acculturate, Acclimatize | 1986 |
241 | Eminent, Imminent | 1985 |
242 | Deference, Difference | 1985 |
243 | Eligible, Illegible | 1985 |
244 | Judicial, Judicious | 1985 |
245 | President, Precedent | 1985 |
246 | Superficial, Superfluous | 1985 |
247 | Immigrant, Emigrant | 1985 |
248 | Rightful, Righteous | 1985 |
249 | Contemptible, Contemptuous | 1985 |
250 | Ingenious, Ingenuous | 1985 |
251 | Table, Brand | 1984 |
252 | Opinion, Judgement | 1984 |
253 | Uninterested, Disinterested | 1984 |
254 | Revolt, Mutiny | 1984 |
255 | Decay, Spoil | 1984 |
256 | Adjourn, Postpone | 1984 |
257 | Ignore, Neglect | 1984 |
258 | Conspiracy, Plot | 1984 |
259 | Allusion, Illusion | 1983 |
260 | Ardour, Order | 1983 |
261 | Conquer, Concur | 1983 |
262 | Cite, Site | 1983 |
263 | Addict, Edict | 1983 |
264 | Proceed, Precede | 1983 |
265 | Right, Rite | 1983 |
266 | Weather, Whether | 1983 |
267 | Mitigate, Alleviate | 1982 |
268 | Persecute, Prosecute | 1982 |
269 | Popular, Populace | 1982 |
270 | Compliment, Complement | 1982 |
271 | Excite, Incite | 1982 |
272 | Voracity, Veracity | 1982 |
273 | Virtual, Virtuous | 1982 |
274 | Exceptional, Exceptionable | 1982 |
275 | Canvas, Canvass | 1981 |
276 | Cast, Caste | 1981 |
277 | Appraise, Apprise | 1981 |
278 | Allusion, Illusion | 1981 |
279 | Continual, Continuous | 1981 |
280 | Berth, Birth | 1981 |
281 | Apposite, Opposite | 1981 |
282 | Artist, Artiste | 1981 |
283 | Cession, Session | 1979 |
284 | Canon, Cannon | 1979 |
285 | Barbarism, Barbarity | 1979 |
286 | Artist, Artisan | 1979 |
287 | Antic, Antique | 1979 |
288 | Illusion, Allusion | 1979 |
289 | Aspire, Expire | 1979 |
290 | Collision, Collusion | 1979 |
291 | Counsel, Council | 1979 |
292 | Expedient, Expeditious | 1979 |
293 | Affection, Affectation | 1978 |
294 | Urban, Urbane | 1978 |
295 | Official, Officious | 1978 |
296 | Beside, Besides | 1978 |
297 | Casual, Causal | 1978 |
298 | Pour, Pore | 1978 |
299 | Humiliation, Humility | 1978 |
300 | Wreck, Wreak | 1978 |
301 | Bare, Bear | 1978 |
302 | Temporal, Temporary | 1978 |
303 | Altar, Alter | 1977 |
304 | Apposite, Opposite | 1977 |
305 | Bear, Bare | 1977 |
306 | Complacent, Complaisant | 1977 |
307 | Confident, Confidant | 1977 |
308 | Disease, Decease | 1977 |
309 | Gate, Gait | 1977 |
310 | Judicial, Judicious | 1977 |
311 | Ingenious, Ingenuous | 1977 |
312 | Yoke, Yolk | 1977 |
313 | Par, At a par | 1976 |
314 | Compliment, Complement | 1976 |
315 | Complacent, Complaisant | 1976 |
316 | State, Government | 1976 |
317 | Eminent, Prominent | 1976 |
318 | Below, Beneath | 1976 |
319 | Portly, Comely | 1976 |
320 | Set up, Set upon | 1976 |
321 | Shall, Will | 1976 |
322 | Sink, Drown | 1976 |
323 | Amiable, Amicable | 1975 |
324 | Considerable, Considerate | 1975 |
325 | Ingenuous, Ingenious | 1975 |
326 | Momentary, Momentous | 1975 |
327 | Virtuous, Virtual | 1975 |
328 | Grateful, Gratified | 1974 |
329 | Imaginary, Imaginative | 1974 |
330 | Negligent, Negligible | 1974 |
331 | Placable, Placeable | 1974 |
332 | Restive, Restless | 1974 |
333 | Consciousness, Conscientiousness | 1972 |
334 | Ingenious, Ingenuous | 1972 |
335 | Fantastic, Fanatical | 1972 |
336 | Honourable, Honorary | 1972 |
337 | Politician, Statesman | 1972 |