European History CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings



S. No. Title Author
1. A History of Modern Europe (1789-1991) H.L. Peacock,
2. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe: 1848-1918 A.J.P Taylor,
3. The Cold War: Ideological Conflict or Power Struggle Normali A. Grabener
4. The USSR: A Share History Vladimir Polrtayen,
5. Development in Russian Politics Stephen White,
6. Mastering Modern European History Stuart Miller,
7. A Text Book of European History by Southgate, G.W.
8. Aspects of European History 1789-1980. Stephen J. Lee
9. Europe Since Napoleon Thompson, D.
10. European Union: European politics. Tim Bale.
11. Modern Europe in the Making from the French Revolution to the Common Market Fasal, G.
12. The Norton History of Modern Europe Gilbert, F.
13. The Origins of the Second World War Taylor, A.J.P.
14. The Rise and Fall of Great Powers. Paul Kennedy.
