Forestry CSS Paper 1996


Maximum Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Note: Attempt Five questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.

1 Discuss the concept, prospects and peculiarities of Argo forestry in Pakistan.

2 What policy measures and major practical steps do you suggest for boosting range production in Pakistan and why?

3 What is mean by “Forest Management Plan'”? Briefly describe its importance and contents.

4 Characterize various water sheds of Mighty Antis. Discuss how far standard management practices are applicable and effective in these areas.

5 What strategic policy changes do you propose for promoting fuel and timber production in the country? Explain briefly.

6 What changes will you introduce in a dense timber forest for promoting a variety of wildlife in that ecozone? Explain briefly.

7 Discuss the role if marketing and utilization of farm grown small sized logs in accelerating wood production in the country. How do you propose to achieve enhanced efficiency and profitability in small log marketing and utilization?


8 (A) Write the most appropriate answer.

(i) Removal of branches from lower one third of tree stems during their formative stage for improving the quality of stem wood is called: trimming, lopping, pollarding, pruning, girding, topping.

(ii) Arranging swan-wood members of regulating their seasoning is called: piling, staking, stacking, stocking, sticking.

(iii) A small wall-like structure made of loosely arranged stones or wooden post etc. constructed at right angle to the guly flow in order to crap rolling and suspended sediments is called: diversion
wall, dyke, check dam, spur, and embankment.

(iv) Downward movement of free, water into deeper soil horizons under the force of gravity is called: seepage, percolation, run off, infiltration, through fal

(v) Extensive grasslands of submits subtropics of Africa and India are called: steppes, prairies, pampas, savannahs, Himalayan high mountain pastures.

(B) Indicate if the following statements are true or false by written True or False respectively.

(i) An animal unit (a cow weighing about 45Okg) requires 20 kg air dry forage per day.

(ii) A normal forest is one which has trees of all size or age classes in proper proportion.

(iii) Plywood is a sheet of wood comprising 3 or more wooden boards glued together in such a way that their grains are at right angle to each other.

(iv) Temperate forests are those which grow in a climate characterised by mild, short but distinct Winter and severe long summer.

(v) Temtory is a small area in the habitat of an animal species under the effective control of a particular individual or pair which is earmarked and is actively defended against intrusion by other
animals of same species.

(C) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words(s)

(i) A forest is considered mature when it …

(ii) Primary producers are those living organisms which … their own food.

(iii) The number of annual growth layers in a cross section of the tree stump at ground level is a reliable means of estimating … of that tree

(iv) Forest trees belonging to Gym No-Sperm Group are ever-green have needle shaped leaves and are commonly called as …

(v) Forest ecosystem is a large natural community of green pants and animals of all types living together at one place at one time where … dominate.

(D) Make appropriate combination of each item in column 1 with a suitable item in Column 2 by joining together with lines.

Column 1 Column 2
(i) a stream diversion operation Migration
Sunken spur
Riparian flora
(ii) collective animal behaviour
(iii) feeding habits
(iv) a type of relationship between two different living organisms
(v) a type of plant community that grows in or along rivers or streams