Geography CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings


S No. Title Author
1. Discovering Physical Geography 2nd ed. Hoboken :John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Alan F. Arbogast (2011).
2. Introducing Physical Geography. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Alan Strahler, (2011).
3. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate (7th ed.). London: Clays St. Davis. Barry, R. (1998).
4. Mcknight’s Physical Geography A Landscape application 10th ed PHI Learning, New Delhi. Darrel Hess (2012).
5. Text Book of Population Geography,   Random Publications, New Delhi. Dr. Martin Ardagh (2013).
6. Atmosphere, Climate and Change. New York: Scientific American Library Graedel, T. (1995).
7. An Introduction to Oceanography. Johnson H. (1996).
8. Economic Geography, Random Publications, New Delhi. Philip Emerald (2013).
9. Essentials of Physical Geography 8th ed Australia. Robert E. Gabler & James F. Petersen (2007)
10. Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography 7th ed. New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Hall Robert             W.             Christopherson (2009),
11. Tourism Geography: Random Publications, New Delhi. Shweta Singh (2013).
12. Elements of physical geography. New York. John Wiley. Strahler, A. N. (1998).
13. Natural Disaster Management: New technologies and opportunities, The Icfai Uni. Press, Agartala. Subir Ghosh (2012).
14. Economic Geography 3rd ed. PHI Learning, New Delhi. Truman A. Hartshorn (2010).
15. Environmental Geography: Science Land Use William M. Marsh (2005).
and Earth System 3rd ed.Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
16. Geography, Regions and Concepts.  U.S.A: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Blif, H. J. (1971).
17. Human Geography.  Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Blij, H. J. (2000).
18. Population Geography Oxford: Pergamon Press. Clarke, J. I. (1965).
19. Human Geography Cultural Society and Space. (5th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. De Blij. H. J. (2003).
20. Political Geography: The Spatiality of Politics. (3rd ed.).  New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Dikshit, R. D. (2001).
21. Agricultural Geography: Issues and Applications. New Delhi: Gian Publishing House. Dube, R. S. (1987).
22. Human Geography Landscape of Human Activities. (8th ed.). New York: Mcgraw Hill Higher Education. Getis, Fellman. (2005).
23. An Introduction to Agricultural Geography. London: Hutchinson. Grigg, D. (1984).
24. The Geography of Tourism and Recreation (1st ed.). London: Routledge. Hall, C. M; & Page, S. J. (1999).
25. Economic Geography. New York: Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs. Hartshorne,       T.       A.       & Alexander, J. W. (1988).
26. Geography & Health: A study in medical Geography. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing corporation. Izhar, F. (2004).
27. Geographies of Global Change. Blackwell Publishers Inc. Johnston, R. J. (1996).
28. Urban Geography, New York: McGraw Hill. Kaplan, Wheeler (2009).
29. Human Geography Place and Region in Global context. (2nd ed.) .New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Knox Paul L. (2001).
30. Agricultural Geography.  London: Longman. Newbury, P. A. R. (1999).
31. Contemporary Human Geography. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited. Rubenstein James M. (2010).
32. Tourism Geography Williams, Stephen. (1998).

