Philosophy CSS Syllabus

Philosophy (100 Marks) I. Introduction: Definition, Nature and Scope of Philosophy II. Philosophical Methods: Socratic Method (Socrates); Inductive Method (Bacon, Mill); Deductive Method (Aristotle, Descartes); Dialectical Method (Hegel); Fallibilistic Method (Popper) III. Epistemology: Rationalism (Plato, Descartes, Spinoza); Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume); Transcendentalism (Kant); Intuitionism (Bergsonl) IV. Ontology: Idealism (Plato, Berkeley); Representative Realism (Locke); Materialism (Marx)…

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Persian CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

S. No.                 Title                                                                      Author 1. ادب نامۀ ایران (اردو) مرزا مقبول بیگ بدخشانی 2. تاریخ ایران جلد اول و دوئم (اردو ) مرزا مقبول بیگ بدخشانی 3. اقبال کامل (اردو ) مولانا عبدالسلام ندوی 4. فکر اقبال (اردو) خلیفہ عبدالحکیم 5. نیا ایرانی ادب (اردو ) دکتر ظہورالدین احمد 6. ایرانی ادب (اردو )…

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Persian CSS Syllabus

Persian (100 Marks) PART—I (Marks-50) I. Elementary Information about the Pre Islamic Persian Languages: Avesta, Old Persian and Pahlavi. II. Origin and development of the new Persian Language (In this part revivalist movement, pursist movement and the adaptation of foreign loan words need to be studied. III. The advent and history of Classical Persian Literature…

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Pashto CSS Syllabus

Pashto (100 Marks) I. Origin of Pashto language, its dialects and alphabets II. Pashto Grammar III. General question on history of Pashto literature and literary movements in Pashto IV. Essay on prominent aspects of Pashto Culture, Historical and Literary personalities. V. Translation of unseen passages from Pashto in to English or Urdu. VI. Translation of…

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Muslim Law and Jurisprudence CSS Syllabus

Muslim Law and Jurisprudence (100 Marks) I. The Sources of Islamic Law The Quran The Sunnah Ijma Qiyas Ijtehad II. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence III. Islamic Criminal Law Hadd Taz’ir Qisas and Diyat IV. Islamic Family Law Marriage Dower Divorce Separation by Repudiation (Talaq) Separation by Mutual Agreement (Khula) Judicial Separation (Faskh) Post-Divorce Maintenance Child…

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Mercantile Law CSS Syllabus

Mercantile Law (100 Marks) I. Law of Contract, 1872 Definitions Essentials of a valid contract (Proposal, Acceptance, Consideration, Free consent, Capacity of Parties, Not hereby declared to be Void) Kinds of Contracts (Valid, Void, Voidable, Not Voidable) Variety of Contracts (Contingent, Quasi, Bailment, Pledge, Indemnity, Agency) Performance of Contract, contracts need not to be performed….

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Law CSS Syllabus

Law (100 Marks) I. Definitions of Crime II. All Provisions of: i. Concept of arbitration, arbitration with or without intervention of court and in civil suits. ii. Establishment of Civil Courts with their Original & Appellate Jurisdiction. iii. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 iv. Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 v. Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 vi. Criminal…

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International Law CSS Syllabus

International Law (100 Marks) I. Nature, Origin and Basis of International Law. The Emergence of International Law, Early European Authors, The Nation-State System, The Enforcement of International Law, The Effectiveness of International Law, The Weakness of International Law, The Juridical Basis of International law, The Future of International law and Material Sources of International Law….

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Islamic Studies CSS Syllabus Recommended Readings

S No. Title Author 1. Towards Understanding Islam Abu A’la Mawdudi 2. Ideals and Realities of Islam Hussain Nasr 3. Administrative Development; an Islamic Perspective, KP.L. London Muhammad A. Al-Buraey 4. Arab Administration Hussain Shah 5. The Islamic Republic: Politics, Law and Economy Hassan Dr. S. Farooq 6. Studies in Muslim Political Thoughts and Administration…

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History of Pakistan and India CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

    S.No. TITLE AUTHOR 1. Political Parties in Pakistan: 1947-58 Afzal, M Rafique, 1986 2. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad, Mushtaq, 1970 3. Party Politics in Pakistan: 1947-58 Aziz, K.K. 1976 4. India’s Struggle for Independence Chandra Bipin, 1989 5. Constitutional Development in Pakistan Chaudhary, G.W. 1959 6. Wavell and the Days of…

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History of Pakistan and India CSS Syllabus

History of Pakistan and India (100 Marks) I. Muslim Rule and Heritage in India (712-1857): Political History Arrival, foundation and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and the Mughals. The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules. Sultans, Kings, Economic, Social,…

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Governance and Public Policies CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

    S. No. Titles Author 1. Governance Anne Mette Kjær 2. Encyclopedia of Governance, Volume 2 Mark Bevir 3. Implementing Public Policy: Governance in Theory and in Practice. Hill M. and Hupe P. 4. Accountability: Managing for Maximum Results Sam R LLyod 5. Guidance for Good Governance: Explorations in Qur’anic, Scientific & Cross-Cultural Approaches…

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