Pakistan Affairs CSS Paper 1985
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100
Note: Attempt five questions only including Question No. 1 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
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1. Give short answers of the following:
a) When was the partition of Bengal annulled?
b) Who was the President of the London Muslim League?
c) Who presided over the annual session of the All India Muslim League in 1930?
d) What portfolio was held by Liaquat Ali Khan in the Interim Government?
e) What is the name of the second highest peak in Pakistan?
f) What is the largest foreign exchange earning source of Pakistan”
g) Name any one language spoken in Northern Areas.
h) When was Pakistani rupee delinked from US dollar?
i) Who is the author of ‘Emergence of Pakistan’?
j) What is the original title of ‘Mosadis-i-Hali.
k) Who was the editor of ‘Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq.
l) Who was the writer of ‘Shah Nama-i-Islam
m) Write the names of two classes writer in the regional languages of Pakistan.
n) Name the first major dam built in Pakistan.
o) When was the Indus Basin Treaty signed?
p) Who was leader of Pakistan delegation in Bandung Conference?
q) In what year the Boundary Agreement between Pakistan and the People’s Republic of China was signed?
r) Which country opposed Pakistan’s entry in the UN?
s) Who was the fourth Governor General of Pakistan?
t) Name the pass which links Pakistan with the People’s Republic of China.
2. What were the man proposals of the Cabinet Mission? Why did it fail?
3. Discuss the two major problems faced by the Government of Pakistan soon after independence.
4. Discuss the significance of the Objectives Resolution in the constitutional history of
5. What are the factors that have deterred agricultural development in Pakistan at the desired pace?
6. Discuss the steps taken by Pakistan to Islamic its economic system.
7. Discuss the impact of foreign remittances on the socio-cultural values in Pakistan
8. How far ideology has influenced the foreign policy of Pakistan?
9. Our education system has failed to meet the needs of the world of work. Comment.
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
i) Federal Shariat Court
ii) Ansari Commission Report.
in) Nuclear Progranunc of Pakistan.
iv) Karachi Steel Mills.
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