Social Work Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus Recommended Books



1 Friendlander M. Der. Concepts and Methods of social work, Prentice-Hall, N.W. Jersey.

2 Hamilton, Gordon, Principles of Case, Recording, New York Columbia University Press.

3 Perelman, Halen, Social Case Work, A Problem solving process, Chicago The University of the Chicago Press.

4 Richmond, Mary, E. Social Diagnosis, New York, Russell Foundation

5 Douglas Tom, Group Work Practice, Cambridge, Tailstock publication, 1976

6 Arthur Dunham, 1958, Community Welfare Organization Principles & Techniques Practices. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, p-14

7 Arthur Dunham, 160. Community Development, p.p. 178-186 in social Work Year Book, Edited by Russell H. Kurtz, New York, national Association of Social Workers.
