Sociology KP PMS Paper 2018

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Provincial Management Service Officers 2018


Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Institutional network is considered as mindset of a human society. Elaborate it from the purview of structural and functional domains, with specific focus on contributions of religio-political Institutions in bringing members to comply with the societal norms and values. In the case of non-compliance, also discuss the restraining factors and institutional penalties for the non conformants.

Q.2 Participant observation is sometimes critilized as a tool of data collection in qualitative research for the reasons of blas involvement of the researcher, insufficient locale of the study and having no consent of the local people. Prove the criticism to be either true or false with strong arguments and intellectual support of social scientists.

Q.3 Urban life fosters the spirit of individualism among the urbanites which is detrimental to the growth of strong bond of social cohesion among the members. Give a detailed account of socio psychological impacts of such situation on personality patterns of city dwellers.

Q.4 Sociologists have overruled the contentious stance of anthropologists regarding the existence of egalitarian society; rather they hold the view that all societies across the world are stratified. Defend this assertion of sociologists with the help of strong theoretical arguments of prominent sociologists.

Q.5 Deviant behavoiur is a root cause of many social problems emerging in society. Improper social control and growing influence of social media are considered as major stimulants of such social pathology, Discuss it in detail and suggest remedial steps as well.

Q.6 Ibn-e- Khaldun, Emile Durkheim and Ferdinand Tonnies have presented theories on the central theme of social solidarity, with diverse titles. Highlight the symmetrical and asymmetrical contents of their theories.

Q.7 Personality development of an individual is a reflection of socialization taking place in respective socio-cultural milieu. Explain the statement with the help of relevant theories and also illuminate the role of various agencies in shaping the human personality.

Q.8 Discuss ageing as a social problem of Pakistani society in the context of various discomforts to the elderly in their social life. Also highlight the existing available facilities to them and suggest what more are required to facilitate them in everyday life towards mitigating the magnitude of their concerns