Category: English Grammar

English Sentence Correction CSS Past Papers Questions

Sentence Correction 2019 Q. 4. Correct only FIVE of the following:(10) (i) He enjoyed during the holidays. (ii) None of the boys had learnt their lesson. (iii) He is abusing the money of his father. (iv) I regret at the delay. (v) I could not help but laugh. (vi) I always have and always shall […]

English Preposition CSS Past Papers Questions

Preposition 2019 Q. 5. (b) Rewrite the following sentences (ONLY FIVE) after filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. (5) (i) What time do we arrive —- our destination? (ii) We are flying —- some rough weather; please fasten your seat belts. (iii) It is warming up; —- noon we should be able to go […]

English Direct and Indirect CSS Past Papers Questions

English Direct Indirect – CSS Past Papers 2018 Q. 5. (b) Rewrite the following dialogue, written in direct speech, in a paragraph form. (5) Jack: Hello. Swarup!. Swatting away as usual. Come out man; shut up your old books, and come and have a game of tennis. Swarup: I am sorry I cannot do that, […]

English Active and Passive Voice CSS Past Papers Questions

2003 Q4. Change the voice of the verb in the following sentences:(10) (1) The assassins shot the leader in broad daylight. (2) The President inaugurated the Motorway recently. (3) Will you negotiate the matter with the opposition? (4) Why should I be suspected by you? (5) The establishment is pleased with your performance. (6) The […]

Use of Comma in the English Language

A comma is a smaller break or a  soft pause or a punctuation mark that separates words, clauses, or ideas within a sentence. Commas and periods are the most frequently used punctuation marks. Proper comma usage is very important for writing correct English. Following are the common rules for the usage of comma along with […]