An Antonym defines the opposite meaning of another word.
“Anti” means opposite and “onym” means “name”, hence it is the opposite word.
Learning antonyms helps in sharpening the skills of communications of a language.
Word | Antonym |
Above | Below |
Absence | Presence |
Absent | Present |
Abundant | Scarce |
Accept | Refuse |
Accidental | Intentional |
Accurate | Incorrect |
Accurate | Inaccurate |
Admit | Deny |
Advance | Retreat |
Advance | Retreat, Retire |
Advantage | Disadvantage |
After | Before |
Against | For |
Agree | Disagree |
Ahead | Behind |
Alive | Dead |
All | None |
Ally | Enemy |
Always | Never |
Ancient | Modern |
Answer | Question, Query |
Antique | Modern |
Approached | Receded, Departed |
Approval | Disapproval |
Arrival | Departure |
Artificial | Natural |
Ascend | Descend |
Asleep | Awake |
Attack | Defend |
Attack | Defense |
Attention | Inattention |
Attractive | Repulsive |
Aunt | Uncle |
Authentic | Imitation |
Awake | Asleep |
Backward | Forward, Onward |
Bad | Good |
Bald | Hairy |
Barbarous | Civilized |
Baroque | Plain |
Barren | Fertile |
Barrier | Link |
Base | Summit, Noble |
Batty | Sane |
Bawdy | Decent |
Beautiful | Ugly |
Beauty | Ugliness |
Befogged | Clearheaded |
Beg | Offer |
Beginning | End |
Beginning | Ending |
Belie | Justify |
Believe | Doubt |
Below | Above |
Bend | Straighten |
Beneath | Above |
Benevolent | Malevolent |
Benign | Maligent, Cruel |
Bent | Straight |
Best | Worst |
Better | Worse |
Big | Small, Little |
Bind | Release |
Birth | Death |
Bitter | Sweet |
Black | White |
Blame | Praise |
Bleak | Bright, Cheerful |
Bless | Curse |
Blunt | Sharp |
Blunt | Keen, Sharp |
Boisterous | Placid |
Bold | Timid, Meek |
Bold | Timid |
Borrow | Lend |
Bottom | Top |
Boy | Girl |
Brave | Scared |
Brave | Coward |
Bravery | Cowardice |
Break | Fix |
Bright | Dull |
Broad | Narrow |
Brother | Sister |
Build | Destroy, Demolish |
Build | Destroy |
Busy | Idle, Lazy |
Buy | Sell |
Calculate | Guess |
Calculating | Artless |
Callous | Kind |
Calm | Troubled |
Calm | Stormy |
Camouflage | Reveal |
Candid | Evasive |
Capable | Incapable |
Captivate | Repel |
Captivity | Freedom, Liberty |
Care | Neglect |
Careful | Careless |
Careful | Rush, Careless |
Carnal | Spiritual |
Casual | Formal |
Catch | Throw |
Catholic | Narrow |
Cease | Begin |
Celebrated | Unknown |
Cellar | Attic |
Cement | Disintegrate |
Censure | Praise |
Certain | Uncertain |
Cheap | Dear, Expensive |
Cheap | Dear |
Cheerful | Sad |
City | Country |
Clandestine | Open |
Classic | Romantic |
Clear | Vague, Cloudy |
Clever | Stupid |
Clockwise | Anti-clockwise |
Close | Distant |
Closed | Open |
Coarse | Fine |
Cold | Hot |
Combine | Separate |
Come | Go |
Comedy | Tragedy |
Comfort | Discomfort |
Comic | Tragic |
Common | Rare |
Common | Rare, Uncommon |
Compact | Diffuse |
Compare | Contrast |
Complete | Incomplete |
Compress | Expand |
Conceal | Reveal |
Conceit | Modesty |
Concord | Discord |
Condemn | Praise |
Condemn | Approve |
Confess | Deny |
Confidence | Diffidence |
Confident | Diffident |
Conformist | Nonconformist |
Conquer | Fail |
Consolidate | Weaken |
Contentious | Noncontentious |
Continue | Weaken |
Contract | Expand |
Cool | Warm |
Correct | Incorrect |
Country | City |
Country | Town |
Courage | Cowardice |
Courteous | Discourteous, Rude |
Courtesy | Rudeness |
Create | Destroy |
Creation | Destruction |
Credit | Cash |
Credulous | Skeptical |
Crooked | Straight |
Cruel | Kind |
Cunning | Simple |
Cunning | Naive |
Dainty | Clumsy |
Danger | Safety |
Dangerous | Safe |
Dark | Light |
Daughter | Son |
Day | Night |
Dead | Alive |
Death | Life |
Decrease | Increase |
Deep | Shallow |
Definite | Indefinite |
Demand | Supply |
Demote | Promote |
Denounce | Defend |
Dense | Sparse |
Depart | Arrive |
Derogatory | Laudatory |
Despair | Hope |
Destroy | Create |
Destructive | Constructive |
Devil | God |
Different | Same |
Dirty | Clean |
Disappear | Appear |
Discourage | Encourage |
Disease | Health |
Disgrace | Honor |
Dismal | Cheerful |
Divide | Multiply |
Docile | Headstrong |
Doctor | Patient |
Domestic | Foreign |
Doubt | Trust |
Drunk | Sober |
Dry | Wet |
Dull | Clear, Bright |
Dusk | Dawn |
Dwarf | Giant |
Eager | Indifferent |
Early | Late |
Ease | Disquiet |
East | West |
Easy | Hard |
Easy | Difficult |
Ebb | Flow |
Eclipse | Shine |
Economise | Waste |
Employer | Employee |
Empty | Full |
Encourage | Discourage |
End | Beginning |
Entrance | Exit |
Evil | Good |
Excited | Calm |
Exciting | Dull |
Exhibit | Conceal |
Exit | Entrance |
Expand | Contract |
Expensive | Cheap |
Expensive | Inexpensive, Cheap |
Export | Import |
Exterior | Interior |
External | Internal |
Extinguish | Ignite |
Fail | Succeed |
Fall | Spring |
Famous | Unknown |
Fancy | Plain |
Fast | Slow |
Fat | Skinny |
Fat | Thin |
Feeble | Sturdy, Strong, Powerful |
Fertile | Barren |
Few | Many |
Fiction | Fact |
Find | Lose |
Finish | Begin |
First | Last |
Flammable | Nonflammable |
Floor | Ceiling |
Fold | Unfold |
Foolish | Wise |
Forelegs | Hind Legs |
Forget | Remember |
Former | Latter |
Fortunate | Unfortunate |
Forward | Backward |
Found | Lost |
Frank | Secretive |
Freedom | Captivity |
Frequent | Infrequent |
Frequent | Seldom |
Fresh | Stale |
Friend | Enemy |
From | To |
Front | Back |
Full | Empty |
Gain | Loss |
Gather | Scatter |
Gather | Distribute |
Gather | Disperse |
General | Particular |
Generosity | Stinginess |
Generous | Stingy |
Generous | Mean |
Gentle | Rough |
Gentle | Rude |
Genuine | Fake |
Genuine | Spurious |
Giant | Dwarf, Pygmy |
Give | Take |
Glad | Sorry |
Gloomy | Cheerful |
Gloomy | Gay, Bright |
Glory | Shame, Disgrace |
Gorgeous | Simple |
Graceful | Clumsy |
Granted | Refused |
Great | Minute, Small, Little |
Grin | Frown |
Guardian | Ward |
Guest | Host |
Guilty | Innocent |
Hamper | Expedite |
Hamstrung | Strengthen |
Happy | Sad |
Happy | Sad, Miserable |
Happy | Miserable |
Hard | Soft |
Harm | Benefit |
Harmful | Harmless |
Harmony | Discord |
Harsh | Mild |
Harsh | Melodious |
Hasten | Dawdle |
Hasty | Leisurely |
Hate | Love |
Head | Tail |
Healthy | Sick |
Healthy | Unhealthy, Ill, Diseased |
Healthy | Diseased |
Hear | Ignore |
Heaven | Hell |
Heavy | Light |
Height | Depth |
Help | Hinder |
Here | There |
hero | Coward |
Hide | Show |
Hide | Divulge |
High | Low |
Hill | Valley |
Him | Her |
Hinder | Aid, Help |
Hit | Miss |
Hollow | Solid |
Honest | Dishonest |
Honour | Shame |
Horizontal | Vertical |
Humble | Proud |
Humility | Pride |
Hunger | Thirst |
Hungry | Full |
Hurry | Delay |
Hurt | Heal |
Husband | Wife |
Hypocrisy | Sincerity |
Idle | Busy |
Illegal | Lawful |
Imaginary | Real |
Imitation | Genuine |
Immense | Tiny, Minute |
Impenitent | Repentant |
Import | Export |
Imprison | Free |
Impulsive | Cautious |
In | Out |
Include | Exclude |
Increase | Decrease |
Indifferent | Partial |
Indigent | Rich |
Inferior | Superior |
Infernal | Heavenly |
Inhabited | Uninhabited |
Inhale | Exhale |
Innocent | Guilty |
Inside | Outside |
Insipid | Tasty |
Insult | Esteem, Honor |
Intelligent | Unintelligent, Stupid |
Intentional | Accidental |
Interesting | Uninteresting, Dull |
Interesting | Dull, Uninteresting |
Interference | Noninterference |
Interior | Exterior, Outside |
Internal | External |
Jest | Earnest |
Join | Separate |
Joy | Grief |
Junior | Senior |
Justice | Injustice |
Keep | Discard |
Kind | Mean |
King | Queen |
King | Subject |
Knowledge | Ignorance |
Known | Unknown |
Labour | Rest, Repose |
Land | Sea |
Landlord | Tenant |
Languid | Energetic |
Large | Small |
Large | Little, Small |
Last | First |
Laugh | Cry |
Law | Anarchy |
Lawful | Unlawful |
Lawyer | Client |
Lazy | Industrious |
Lazy | Industrious, Energetic |
Lead | Follow |
Leader | Follower |
Lecturer | Student |
Left | Right |
Lender | Borrower |
Length | Width |
Lengthen | Shorten |
Lenient | Strict |
Less | More |
Lethargic | Energetic |
Liberty | Slavery |
Light | Dark, Heavy |
Like | Dislike, Unlike |
Likely | Unlikely |
Limit | Stretch |
Literal | Figurative |
Little | Big |
Little | Large, Much, Big |
Lock | Unlock |
Lofty | Lowly |
Long | Short |
Loose | Tight |
Lose | Find |
Loss | Find, Win |
Lost | Found |
Loud | Soft |
Love | Hate |
Lovely | Hideous |
Low | High |
Lower | Raise |
Loyal | Disloyal |
Mad | Sane |
Magnetize | Demagnetize |
Major | Minor |
Majority | Minority |
Make | Mar |
Male | Female |
Malice | Goodwill |
Man | Woman |
Mandatory | Optional |
Mark | Erase |
Masculine | Feminine |
Master | Servant |
Mative | Alien |
Mature | Immature |
Maximum | Minimum |
Me | You |
Meat | Flithy |
Meek | Arrogant |
Merciful | Cruel |
Merit | Demerit |
Merry | Mirthless, Sad |
Mighty | Weak |
Mild | Stern |
Minority | Majority |
Miser | Spendthrift |
Miserable | Happy |
Miserly | Generous |
Misunderstand | Understand |
Mix | Sort |
Mix | Separate |
Moist | Dry |
Morbid | Healthy |
Morning | Evening |
Morning | Night |
Most | Least |
Mother | Father |
Motion | Rest |
Naked | Clothed |
Narrow | Wide |
Near | Far |
Near | Far, Distant |
Neat | Untidy |
Necessary | Useless |
Nephew | Niece |
Never | Always |
New | Old |
Night | Day |
Nimble | Lazy |
No | Yes |
Noble | Ignoble, Base |
Noise | Quiet |
Noisy | Quiet |
Normal | Abnormal |
North | South |
Nourish | Starve |
Obedient | Disobedient |
Obey | Disobey |
Obey | Defy, Disobey |
Obliging | Mulish, Obstinate |
Obscure | Prominent |
Observe | Miss, Disregard |
Obstinate | Pliable, Flexible |
Obstruct | Assist |
Obtain | Forfeit |
Odd | Even |
Off | On |
Offer | Refuse |
Old | New |
Ominous | Auspicious |
Open | Close |
Open | Shut |
Optimist | Pessimist |
Ordinary | Rare, Unique |
Out | In |
Outer | Inner |
Over | Under |
Pacify | Irritate |
Painful | Soothing |
Parent | Child |
Part | Whole |
Particular | General |
Passionate | Dispassionate |
Past | Present |
Patient | Impatient |
Payment | Nonpayment |
Peace | War |
Perfect | Faulty |
Permanent | Temporary |
Permission | Refusal |
Permit | Forbid |
Persuade | Dissuade |
Perturbed | Calm |
Please | Displease |
Plentiful | Scarce |
Poetry | Prose |
Polite | Rude |
Polite | Impolite, Rude |
Political | Nonpolitical |
Poor | Rich |
Positive | Negative |
Possible | Impossible |
Poverty | Wealth |
Powerful | Feeble, Weak |
Pretty | Unsightly, Ugly |
Private | Public |
Profit | Loss |
Progress | Retrogress |
Prohibit | Allow |
Prohibit | Permit |
Prologue | Epilogue |
Prolong | Shorten |
Prompt | Slow |
Propagate | Suppress |
Prose | Poetry |
Prudence | Indiscretion |
Prudent | Imprudent |
Public | Private |
Punish | Reward, Forgive |
Pure | Impure |
Pursue | Avoid |
Push | Pull |
Qualified | Unqualified |
Questing | Answer |
Quick | Slow |
Raid | Retreat |
Raise | Lower |
Rapid | Slow |
Rapidity | Inertia |
Rare | Common |
Raw | Cooked |
Reason | Folly |
Rebellious | Submissive |
Rectify | Falsify |
Regularly | Irregularly |
Reluctant | Enthusiastic |
Reluctant | Eager |
Remember | Forget |
Resident | Nonresident |
Restrain | Incite |
Reward | Punishment |
Rich | Poor |
Right | Wrong |
Right | Wrong, Left |
Right | Left, Wrong |
Rigid | Pliable, Soft |
Rough | Smooth |
Rural | Urban |
Sacred | Profane |
Sad | Cheerful |
Safe | Risky, Dangerous |
Sane | Insane |
Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory |
Savage | Civilized |
Save | Spend |
Saviour | Destroyer |
Scatter | Collect |
Second-hand | New |
Security | Insecurity |
Seldom | Often |
Selfish | Unselfish |
Send | Receive |
Sense | Nonsense |
Serious | Trivial |
Severe | Mild, Lenient |
Sharp | Dull |
She | He |
Shopkeeper | Customer |
Shout | Whisper |
Shrink | Expand |
Shy | Impudent |
Sick | Well |
Simple | Complicated |
Sin | Virtue |
Singular | Plural |
Sink | Float |
Sit | Stand |
Slavery | Freedom |
Slim | Thick, Stout |
Slow | Fast |
Small | Large |
Smart | Dumb |
Smile | Frown |
Sober | Drunk |
Soft | Hard |
Solid | Liquid |
Sorrow | Joy |
Sour | Sweet |
South | North |
Sow | Reap |
Speaker | Listener |
Spend | Save |
Stand | Lie |
Start | Finish |
Startled | Waveringly |
Stationary | Movable |
Stay | Go |
Steep | Flat |
Stop | Go |
Straight | Crooked |
Straight | Curved |
Stranger | Friend |
Stranger | Acquaintance |
Strengthen | Weaken |
Strong | Weak |
Sublime | Ridiculous |
Success | Failure |
Summer | Winter |
Sun | Moon |
Sunny | Cloudy |
Sweet | Sour |
Swift | Slow |
Sympathy | Antipathy |
Synonym | Antonym |
System | Chaos |
Take | Give |
Tall | Short |
Tame | Wild |
Tardy | Early |
Teacher | Pupil |
Teacher | Student |
Temporary | Permanent |
Terse | Diffuse |
Thaw | Freeze |
Thick | Thin |
Thrifty | Extravagant |
Tight | Loose |
Tight | Slack, Loose |
Together | Apart |
Top | Bottom |
Tough | Tender |
Tragedy | Comedy |
Tranquil | Agitated |
Transparent | Opaque |
Triumph | Fail |
Truth | Untruth, Lie |
Ugly | Pretty |
Unbreakable | Fragile |
Under | Over |
Union | Discord |
Unique | Ordinary |
Up | Down |
Upward | Downward |
Useful | Useless |
Usually | Rarely |
Vacant | Occupied |
Vain | Modest |
Valuable | Valueless |
Vanish | Appear |
Victory | Defeat |
Villain | Hero |
Violent | Gentle |
Violent | Gentle, Peaceful |
Virtue | Vice |
Visible | Invisible |
Vision | Blindness |
Vivid | Dull, Dim |
Voluntary | Compulsory |
Vowel | Consonant |
Walk | Run |
War | Peace |
Warm | Cool |
Wax | Wane |
Weak | Strong |
Wealth | Poverty |
Wet | Dry |
Whisper | Yell |
White | Black |
Wide | Narrow |
Wild | Tame |
Win | Lose |
Winter | Summer |
Wisdom | Folly |
Within | Without |
Work | Play |
Worthless | Valuable |
Wrong | Right |
Xenophobic | Fearless |
Yes | No |
Young | Old |
Zaftig | Weak |