English Idioms CSS Past Papers Questions

English Idioms – CSS Past Papers

Q. 6. Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meanings. (10)
(i) To break the ice (ii) Nip in the bud (iii) See eye to eye with (iv) For good (v) Tamper with (vi) The small hours (vii) Keep up appearances (viii) Prima facie

Q. 6. Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (10)
(i) To cast pearls before swine (ii) To step into one’s shoes (iii) Stuff and nonsense (iv) A wild goose chase (v) To be ill at ease (vi) Sit on the fence (vii) In a jiffy (viii) To preen oneself

Q. 6. (b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (5)
(i) Show and tell (ii) Helter-skelter (iii) To the death (iv) Tilt at windmills (v) Het up (vi) The whole ball of was (vii) It’s about time (viii) Punch up

Q. 6. (b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (5)
(i) Spirit away (ii) Plough back (iii) Eager beaver (iv) Ring a bell (v) Be left holding the baby (vi) Cap in hand (vii) Hold out a carrot (viii) Over the moon

Q. 6. (b) Use any FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (5)
(i) Smash hit (ii) Murphy’s law (iii) Place in the Sun (iv) Wooden spoon (v) Go bananas (vi) Beard the Lion in his den (vii) Groan inwardly (viii) Chicken out

Q.5. (a) Use only Five of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning (Extra attempt shall not be considered).(05)
(i) Itching palm (ii) The primrose path (iii) Break one’s fall (iv) Wash one’s hands of (v) To become reconciled to (vi) To militate against (vii) To be cognizant of (viii) Wages of sin

Q.5. Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meanings: (Extra attempt shall not be considered). (10)
(i) To bring grist to the mill (ii) To keep one’s fingers crossed (iii) With one’s tongue in one’s cheek (iv) A storm in a teacup (v) To talk through one’s hat (vi) Hum and Haw (vii) To let the grass grow under one’s feet (viii) Penny wise and pound foolish

Q.5. (a) Use ONLY FOUR of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (Extra attempt shall not be considered). (04)
(i) The milk of human kindness (ii) A rule of thumb (iii) Out and out (iv) To wash one’s dirty linen in public (v) To pay through the nose (vi) To lose face
Q.5 Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning. Extra attempt shall not be considered.
(i) Wool gathering (ii) Under the harrow (iii) Cold comfort (iv) A gold digger (v) Walk with God (vi) On the thin ice (vii) A queer fish (viii) Unearthly hour

Q.5. (a) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: Extra attempt shall not be considered. (05)
(i) To eat one’s words (ii) Dog in the manger (iii) A close shave (iv) A Freudian slip (v) A Gordian knot (vi) A cog in the machine (vii) A sugar daddy (viii) A wet blanket.

Q.5. (a) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (5) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(i) Make for. (ii) Yeoman’s service. (iii) Discretion is the better part of valour. (iv) A casting vote. (v) Look down upon. (vi) Iconoclast. (vii) Out of the wood. (viii) A swan song

Q.6.(a) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (5) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(i) Leave in the lurch. (ii) Hard and fast. (iii) Weather the storm. (iv) Bear the brunt. (v) Meet halfway. (vi) Turncoat. (vii) Where the shoe pinches.

Q.4. a. Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences to make their meaning clear: (5)
i. Blow one’s top ii. A cock and bull story iii. Find one’s feet iv. Call it a night v. The tip of the iceberg vi. Below par vii. From pillar to post viii. Hang up ix. Turn someone in x. By and by

Q No. 6 (A) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences to bring out their meaning:
(1) Twiddle with (2) Vamp up (3) Whittle away (4) Winkle out (5) Give someone the bum’s rush (6) Loom large (7) Besetting sin (8) To hang fire

Q6.(A) use any five of the following in your own sentences to bring out their meaning
1). Keep one’s nose to the grindstone 2). Throw someone for a loop 3). Letter perfect 4). Off the wall 5). Out to lunch 6). Salt something away 7). Take someone to the cleaners 8). Wear the pants in the family
Q6. (a) Use any FIVE of the following in your own sentences to bring out their meaning: (5)
1. To bring grist to the mill. 2. Set one’s cap at. 3. To draw the long bow. 4. To send a person to Coventry 5. Beer and skittles. 6. The acid test. 7. A skeleton in the cupboard. 8. To discover a mare’s nest.
Q 7. Use the following in your own sentences to bring out their meaning: (10)
(1) Kick the bucket (2) Bolt from the blue (3) Put your foot down (4) Worth your salt (5) Down the drain (6) All cars (7) Swan song (8) Cheek by Jowl (9) In a nutshell (10) Give me five

Q7. Make sentences with the given Idiomatic phrases so that their meaning becomes clear: (10)
(1) Take aback (2) Take after (3) Take for (4) Take ill (5) Take off (6) Take over (7) Take to (8) Take to task (9) Take to One’s heels (10) Take with a grain or pinch of salt.

Q5. Use FIVE of the following in sentences to make their meaning clear. (10)
(i) The teaming meanings (ii) To kick the bucket (iii) To push to the walls (iv) To read between the lines (v) To be at daggers drawn (vi) To throw down the gauntlet (vii) To be a Greek (viii) To stand on ceremony (ix) From the horse’s mouth (x) To carry the cross

Q5. Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences to make their meaning clear:
(i) Blow one’s top (ii) A cock-and-bull story (iii) Find one’s feet (iv) Call it a night, (v) The tip of the iceberg, (vi) Below par, (vii) From pillar to post, (viii) Hang up, (ix) Turn someone in, (x) By and by.

Q7. Complete the conversation with the correct idiom in the correct form: (10)
Keep regular hours, An unearthly hour, The small hours, A night owl, Have a night out, At any moment, Have one’s moments, Have a minute to all one’s own, A night on the town, On the spur of the moment:

“morning, Paul! You look tired”. “Yes I am. I had a late night last night. I’m not usually——————but I ———————– —— with some friends yesterday. I have been so busy all week that I’ve hardly———————————- , so I really enjoyed ——————————————– . I start work early, so I usually ————– ——- —— – but yesterday was an exception. I didn’t think. I got into bed and must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew my landlady was shaking me, saying she was sorry to wake me at such———————————– , but she thought there was a burglar in the kitchen”.

“Well where was her husband?” “Mr. Dick’s working on the night-shift, and I was the only man in the house. I am usually a coward, but I do———————————–, so I grabbed my tennis racket, which was the only thing I could think of —————————–, and crept downstairs”. “And then?” ” I saw a dark figure in the kitchen with a knife in his hand, ready to strike—————————— . I was just about to hit him with the racket, when a voice shouted out, “ “Hey! It’s me! It was Mr. Dick. He had forgotten his sandwiches”.

Q6. Make sentences of any FIVE of the following idioms.
(i) A jaundiced eye (ii) A left-handed compliment (iii) The ruling passion (iv) Tower of strength (v) Steal a march on someone (vi) In one’s bones (vii) Hang in the balance (viii) Fly in the ointment (ix) Close-fisted

Q5. Complete the conversation by choosing the correct idioms.
The tricks of the trade; the blessing in disguise; his own man; the gift of the gab; the pillar of society; another cup of tea; a mug’s game; a piece of cake; a feather in his cap; the rank and file

Have you heard about Adams? He says that losing his job was probably ———- because he was tired of being just one of a thousand wage-earners at the firm, just one of ———-. He thinks working for someone else is really ———- when you can work for yourself. So she is going to open up his own computer shop. “Really! well it will be a ———- if he makes a success of it.” “He is taking Jan into partnership with him.” “Jan, eh? Now he’s ———- I don’t like him at all.” “Well he may not be what one could call ———- but he is the right sort of man to get a business going. He’s a good talker.” “Oh yes Jan has certainly got ———- and it won’t take him long to learn ———- “I told Adam that having his own business certainly won’t be ———-” “It’s hard work. But he is determined to be ———- at last, so I wish him good luck.”

Q7. Explain FIVE of the following idioms by using them into sentences.
(i) The last ditch (ii) A square meal (iii) Go public (iv) Run riot (v) The backroom boys (vi) Foot the bill (vii) Set the pace (viii) At times (ix) Steal the show (x) Grey matter
Q6. Explain any FIVE of the following idioms by using them into sentences.
(i) To beat the air (ii) To beggar description (iii) To bring to mind (iv) To call in question (v) To cap it all (vi) To clip one’s wings (vii) To cross the Rubicon (viii) To feel the pulse (ix) To fly in the face of (x) To rise like a phoenix from its ashes

Q5. Explain FIVE of the following idioms by using them into sentences: (10)
Bear out, Back out, Carry over, Come off, Fall back, Figure out, Live with, Set in, Cover up, Iron out
Q6. Frame sentences to illustrate the meaning of any five of the following: 15
i) Between Scylla and Charybidis; (ii) Hobson’s choice; (iii) Sting in the tail; (iv) With open arms; (v) Wash one’s hand of (To) (vi) Count one’s chickens (To); (vii) Burn midnight oil (To).

Q5. Use any five of the following in your sentences to bring out their exact meanings: 10
a) Play truant, b) Play down, c) Turn turtle, d) Turn the corner, e) A fair weather friend, f) Under a cloud, g) Burn one’s boats, h) Horse-trading.

Q4. Frame sentences to illustrate the meaning of any five of the following:
i) Between the devil and the deep sea ii) A wild goose chase iii) Over head and ears, iv) Time and tide, v) To live from hand to mouth, vi) To beat about the bush, vii) To fish in troubled waters, viii) A bird’s eye-view.
Q5. Make sentences for any five of the following to illustrate their meaning: 10
i) Damocles’ sword, ii) Every inch, iii) Spade a spade, iv) On the sky, v) Palm off, vi) Lip service, vii) A turncoat, viii) A wild goose chase.

Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any four of the following: 8
a) White elephant, b) Blue Blood, c) Cleanse the Augean stable, d) Apple of discord, e) In good books, f) Between the devil and the deep sea, g) Stare in the face, h) Make off with.

Q4. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any five of the following: 10
a) Account for, b) Carry weight, c) To fall back upon, d) To be taken aback, e) A wild goose chase, f) By leaps and bounds, g) As cool as a cucumber, h) To burn the midnight oil.
Use any five of the following idioms in your sentences: 15
a) As cool as a cucumber. b) Have your cake and eat too. c) In a Pickle. d) Take a cake. e) Sell like hot cakes. f) As flat as a Pancake. g) Take something with a grain of salt. h) Like two peas in a pod.

4. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any FIVE of the following.
(i) To back out (ii) To keep out of (iii) Bang into (iv) To smell a rat (v) To burn one’s fingers (vi) Null and void (vii) To catch up with (viii) To stand up for (ix) To skim through (x) To narrow down

4. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any FIVE of the following.
(i) By and by (ii) The lion’s share (iii) In black and white (iv) To bring to book (v) To read between the lines (vi) To stick to one’s guns (vii) To be under a cloud (viii) By fits and starts

Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any FIVE of the following.
(i) To look a gift horse in the mouth (ii) To have an axe to grind (iii) To wash one’s dirty linen in public (iv) To pocket an insult (v) To take to one’s heels (vi) To win laurels (vii) A gentleman at large


  1. Fill in the blanks.
    (i) Much __________ about nothing.
    (ii) __________ is the last refuge of the Scoundrel.
    (iii) To put the __________ before the __________.
    (iv) __________ of the same __________ flock together.
    (v) A __________ in time saves __________.
    (vi) __________ dogs seldom __________.
    (vii) Sweets are the uses of __________.
    (viii) Eternal __________ is the price of __________.
    (ix) A __________ child __________ the fire.
    (x) One man’s __________ is another man’s __________.

Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any FIVE of the following.
(i) To come to a dead end (ii) To turn a deaf ear (iii) Every dark cloud has a silver lining (iv) Blowing hot and cold together (v) To let the cat out of the bag (vi) To put the cart before the horse (vii) To sail in the same boat (viii) A Swan Song

(b) Use any FIVE of the following expressions in sentences so as to bring out their meanings.
(i) To have your cake and eat it too (ii) Between the devil and the deep blue sea (iii) To be in hot water (iv) To be on the carpet (v) It never rains but it pours (vi) A miss is as good as a mile (vii) To give oneself airs (viii) To have the courage of one’s convictions (ix) The onlooker sees most of the game (x) Out of sight out of mind

(b) Bring out the meaning of any FIVE of the following in appropriate sentences.
(i) Pocket the affront (ii) Thin end of the wedge (iii) Flash in the pan (iv) To keep at a respectful distance (v) At one’s beck and call (vi) Go against the grain (vii) Bring grist to the mill (viii) Upset the apple cart (ix) Hoist on one’s own petard (x) Live on the fat of the land

(b) Use any FIVE of the following expressions and idioms in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings. (i) Take down a peg (ii) To monkey with (iii) In hot water (iv) Petticoat Government (v) To pull oneself together (vi) To rise from the ranks (vii) To rub shoulders

(b) Use the following expressions and idioms in your own sentences so as to bring out their meaning: (i) The acid test (ii) A bad hat (iii) In a blue funk (iv) Set one’s cap (v) Down at heel (vi) To die in harness (vii) Dead as a door nail (viii) To raise coin (ix) To strike one’s colours (x) To carry the day

(b) Use any FIVE of the following expressions in your own sentences to illustrate their meaning,
(i) To bear the brunt of (ii) To call a spade a spade (iii) To fight shy of (iv) To cry over spilt milk (v) To burn the candle at both ends (vi) To rob peter to pay Paul (vii) To take the bull by the horns (viii) Playing to the gallery (ix) Holding out the olive branch (x) To make out

(b) Use the following words, expressions and idioms in your own sentences so as to bring out their meaning. (i) Trudge along (ii) Point-blank (iii) In the doldrums (iv) Dole out (v) At cross purposes (vi) Cheek by jowl (vii) Succinctly (viii) Hilarious (ix) Detract from (x) Plain-sailing

(b) Use any FIVE of the following idioms in your own sentences to illustrate their meaning.
(i) To sow one’s wild oats (ii) Storm in a teacup (iii) To keep late hours (iv) To throw cold water on (v) A cock-and-bull story (vi) To bear the brunt of (vii) Tied to apron-strings of (viii) To move heaven and earth (ix) To blow one’s own trumpet (x) To rest on one’s laurels

(b) Use any FIVE of the following idioms in your own sentences to illustrate their meaning.
(i) When all is said and done (ii) An axe to grind (iii) Turn over a new leaf (iv) Burn the candle at both ends (v) Leave in the lurch (vi) Goes with saying (vii) Like a red rag to a bull (viii) Not a leg to stand on (ix) Under the thumb of (x) The writing on the wall

(b) Use any FIVE of the following idiomatic expressions in your own sentences to illustrate their meaning: (i) Turn to account (ii) To beat the air (iii) To break a lance with (iv) To foul of (v) To keep an open door (vi) To put out of countenance (vii) Got up to kill (viii) To have a finger in the pie

(b) Use the following expressions in sentences to bring out their meanings.
(i) To fall back on something (ii) To fall through (iii) On right earnest (iv) Vested interests (v) Meaningful Dialogue

1971. (b) Use the following idiomatic expressions in illustrative sentences.
(i) Carry out (ii) Taken over (iii) Bring about (iv) Beat out (v) Bear with
