Philosophy KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Philosophy Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 Philosophy – Western & Islamic 1. Idealism, Pragmatism, Vitalism, logical positivism, existentialism and dialectical materialism. The main arguments of these philosophical theories and their impact on life and morals 2. Muslim Rationalists and social thinkers – Al-Farabi, Ibn-i-Sina, Ibn-i-Rushd and Ibn-i-Khaldun, their main doctrines 3….

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Philosophy Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 Logic 1. Formal and informal arguments: Elements of deductive reasoning, validity and truth, proposition and syllogism 2. Definition with special reference to Aristotle, Ibn-e-Taimya’s criticism of Aristotle, relativity of definition, Ambiguity, vagueness and motive use of language as impediments in clear thinking. Fallacies – formal,…

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Physics KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Physics Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 Electricity and magnetism Electric field due to point charges, Gauss’ Law, electric potential and Poisson and Laplace’s equation. Dielectric medium and polarization, Capacitance, moving charges and magnetic field. Ampere’s law, vector potential, magnetic properties of matter. Transient current. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Alternating Current…

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Physics KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Physics Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 Mechanics 1. Vectors – dots, cross and triple products. Gradient divergence and applications 2. Newtonian laws of motion, conservation law of energy, conservation of linear and angular momentum, dynamics of rigid body, spin and precession, gyroscope, gravitation, planetary motion including satellite 3. Special theory of…

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Political Science KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Political Science Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 Part A 1. Political Theory a. Western political thought: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, Mill, Marx, Lenin, Mao b. Muslim political thought: Al-farabi, Al-Mawardi, Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn-e Khaldun, Iqbal Part B 2. The nature and emergence of modern state system,…

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Psychology KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Psychology including Experimental Psychology Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 1. Meaning, phases and characteristics of growth development and maturation, methods of developmental psychology, biological and socio-cultural factors, importance of developmental psychology, broad approaches to study of children 2. Pre-natal development and infancy: Genetic factors, hereditary transmission and chromosomal abnormality, stages, developmental…

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Psychology KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Psychology including Experimental Psychology Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 1. Definition and scope of Psychology, psychology as a source of science of behaviour, schools and systems of psychology, recent trends to psychology 2. Nervous system: Structure and functions of cells, central and peripheral nervous system, Endocrine system 3. Learning: Conditioning –…

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Public administration KP PMS Syllabus

Public administration Total Marks – 100 1. Public administration: Its nature and scope, the role of public administration in a modern welfare state 2. Major schools of thought in administration: Scientific Management Movement. Human relationists, behavioral school, systemic theory 3. Bureaucracy: Concept of bureaucracy, theories of bureaucracy, ecology of bureaucracy, bureaucracy of Pakistan as a…

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Pure Mathematics KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Pure Mathematics Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 Candidates will be asked to attempt any three questions from Section A and two questions from Section B Section A Calculus and Real Analysis 1. Real numbers, limits, continuity, differentiability, indefinite integration, mean value theorems. Taylor’s theorems, indeterminate form. Asymptotes, curve tracing, definite integrals,…

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Pure Mathematics KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Pure Mathematics Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 Candidates will be asked to attempt three questions from Section A and two questions from Section B Section A Modern Algebra 1. Groups, subgroups, languages, theorem, cyclic groups, normal sub-groups, quotient groups, fundamental theorem of homomorphism. Isomorphism theorems of groups, inner automorphisms. Conjugate elements,…

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Pashto KP PMS Syllabus

Pashto Total Marks – 100 Essay on prominent works of personalities and writers translation of unseen passages from Pushto into English and Urdu Translation of unseen passages of English or Urdu into Pashto General questions on evolution and criticism of Pushto prose and poetry Folk literature: Introduction of tappa, charbaita, lobha, neemakai, sandara, and badala…

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Sociology KP PMS Syllabus

Sociology Total Marks – 100 1. Individual, culture and society: Individual as a social product. The variety of social forms, methods of socialization, ethnocentrisms, norms and values, cultural patterns, varieties of sub-cultures 2. Sociological theory: The sociological perspectives – Evolutionary, order and conflict, evolutionary theorists – Ibn-i-Khaldun, Spencer and Tannis. Order theorists – August Comte,…

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Statistics KP PMS Syllabus

Statistics Total Marks – 100 1. Basic probability: Axiomatic definition of probability, random variable, distribution function, probability density function, mathematical expectation, conditional probability, jointly distributed random variables, marginal and conditional distribution, conditional expectation, stochastic independence 2. Some special distributions: Binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, hyper geometric, normal distributions with their derivation of their mean and variance….

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Zoology KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Zoology Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 The candidates will be required to attempt at least one question from each part   Part A Cell biology: Morphology, chemical composition and functions of nucleus, nuclear inclusion and cytoplasmic organelles, protein synthesis and molecular genetics, mechanism of mitosis and meiosis Part B General physiology:…

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