European History KP PMS Paper II 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2013 EUROPEAN HISTORY, PAPER-II TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX: MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1: Evaluate the Underlying the Causes of the first World War, assessing the significance of Imperialism, militarism, the alliance…

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Economics KP PMS Paper II 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) Economics Paper-II (2013) TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX: MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q1. Differentiate between Economic Development and Economic Growth. Discuss the various approaches which are used to measure Economic Development. Q2….

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Economics KP PMS Paper I 2013

KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) 2013 ECONOMICS PAPER-I TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any FIVE question Please be brief and to the point. Support your answer through diagrams, examples and verbal arguments. All questions carry equal marks. Q1: What is…

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Chemistry KP PMS Paper I 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) CHEMISTRY PAPER-I 2013 TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX:MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 A) Explain Schrodinger wave equation and its graphical representation? 15 B) Describe postulates of Bohr Theory of Hydrogen atom? 05…

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Forestry KP PMS Paper 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17)2013 FORESTRY TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX:MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any Five Questions. All Questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Write a Critique on Forest Policies in Pakistan? Q.2 Farm forestry being identifiable feasible solution for improving stagnant low forest area in…

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Geography KP PMS Paper II 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2013 GEOGRAPHY PAPER-II TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX MARKS: 100 Attempt any Five Questions. All question carry equal marks. 1 What is Economic Geography? Present a comparative survey of the secondary and tertiary economic activities of the world with example…

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Geography KP PMS Paper I 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2013 GEOGRAPHY, PAPER-I TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX:MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks Q.1 Write an essay on the Radiation Balance. Q.2 What are the causes of Atmospheric Circulation? Also explain the large scale…

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Geology KP PMS Paper II 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2013 GEOLOGY, PAPER-II TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX:MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Explain early magmatic process of mineral formation. Cite examples? Q.2 Describe geology of Makarwal Coal field and its suitability for…

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Geology KP PMS Paper I 2013

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2013 GEOLOGY, PAPER-I TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX:MARKS: 100 Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Describe the internal structure of the Earth in detail with help of labeled diagrams? Q.2 Define FAULT and give their types…

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Pashto KP PMS Paper 2008

NEW PUBLIC SERVIS COMMISSION PESHAWAR COMPITITIVE EXAMINATION FOR PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE 2008 PASHTO Time Allowed 03 hours Max Marks 100 نوټ ړومبنے سوال لازمی دے، دنوروسوالونو نه د خپلې خوښې څلور سوالونه اوکړئ، د ټولو سوالونو نمبرې برابرې دي. يادګیرنه په وران کړے شوي او بیا ليکلے شوي جواب به نمبرې نشي ورکولے. سوال نمبر١…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper II 2010

KPK. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR SUBJECT: COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVISIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) 2010 PHILOSOPHY PAPER II Time allowed: 03 hours Max:Marks:100 Attempt any five questions. 1 Discuss the debate between Idealism and Empiricism. 2 Elaborate Pierce’s contribution to Pragmatism? 3 Critically discuss Berg son’s Vitalism? 4 Is Sartre an existentialist? 5…

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Islamic History and Culture KP PMS Paper II 2010

KPK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, 2010 ISLAMIC HISTORY & CULTURE, PAPER-II Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max: Marks:100 NOTE Attempt any Five (05) questions, all questions carry equal marks: Q.1:Describe the causes of the establishment of the Fatimid Caliphate in North Africa. Q.2:Cordova says: “An old Arab writer is the…

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Islamic History and Culture KP PMS Paper I 2010

KHYBER PUKHTUNKHAWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR. SUBJECT: COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2010 ISLAMIC HISTORY & CULTURE PAPER I Time Allowed: 03 hours Max: Marks: 100 NOTE: Attempt any Five (5) Questions, all questions carry equal marks: Q.1: Advent of Islam and the teachings of the Quran led the foundation…

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History of Pakistan and India KP PMS Paper II 2010

KHYBER PUKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR SUBJECT: COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPS-17) 2010 HISTORY OF PAKISTAN & INDIA PAPER II Time Allowed: 63 hours Max Marks 100 Note: Attempt any five questions All questions carry equal marks. Q1 ‘It is said that free and independent Pakistani Nation was born in…

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Zoology KP PMS Paper I 2010

NWEP, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PESHAWAR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 2010 ZOOLOGY PAPER I TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX MARKS:100 Note: Attempt any THREE questions from Part I and TWO questions from Part II. PART II Q1: a- Why NEMATODES are medically important? 10. b- What are the Respiratory Adaptations in…

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Muslim Law and Jurisprudence KP PMS Paper 2010

KHYBER PUKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR SUBJECT:COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) MUSLIM LAW & JURISPREDENCE 2010 Time Allowed: 03 hours Max: Marks: 100 Note: Attempt only five questions. Possession and use of mobile and other electronic accessories is strictly prohibited during the examination and can lead to cancellation of paper…

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