English Active and Passive Voice CSS Past Papers Questions

Q4. Change the voice of the verb in the following sentences:(10)
(1) The assassins shot the leader in broad daylight.
(2) The President inaugurated the Motorway recently.
(3) Will you negotiate the matter with the opposition?
(4) Why should I be suspected by you?
(5) The establishment is pleased with your performance.
(6) The Parliament members gave a hard time to the Prime • Minister.
(7) The Prisoners in Cuba arc being treated cruelly, by the so-called Human Rights custodians.
(8) The present Government is serving the people honestly! .
(9) Who did this?
(10) The Palestinians are avenging the death of their leaders.

Q4. Change the Voice of the verb following sentences (10)
1. The production of Cash Crops directly affects the economy of an agricultural country.
2. The accelerated car sped past the traffic signal and crashed into a van and killed two men.
3. The students were asked to submit the assignment before to end of day.
4 The new budget was being discussed.
5. The Manager has announced a bonus for all the workers.
6. The police chased the dacoit and finally arrested him
7. It was difficult to finish the work on time.
8. At last, the Speech ended and prizes were distributed.
9. She manages her duties, without any help, despite her blindness.
10. I appreciate your efforts and hope you will continue in the same fashion.
