English Essay CSS Topicwise Papers

English Essay CSS Topicwise Papers English Essay papers for the last 49 years (1971-2019) have been analyzed. These papers have been organized topic-wise to give a better idea of the important topics for preparation of the essay. Economics Aid, Banking, Development, General Economics, Industrialization, Inflation, Labor Idioms International Relations Armament, Balance Of Power, Sovereignty, Diplomacy,…

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Everyday Science KP PMS Syllabus

KP Everyday Science (Compulsory) Syllabus Marks – 100 1. Introduction Nature of Science: Brief History of Science with special reference to the contribution of Muslims in the evolution and development of science. Impact of Science on society 2. The Physical Sciences (a) Constituents and Structure:- Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, Sun, Earth, Minerals (b) Processes of…

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Pakistan Affairs KP PMS Syllabus

KP PMS Pakistan Affairs (Compulsory) Syllabus Marks – 100 1. Evolution and growth of Muslim society in the Sub-continent 2. Ideology of Pakistan – Definition and elucidation, historical aspects: Muslim rule in the sub-continent, its downfall and efforts of Renaissance. Movements for reforms – Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, Anjuman Hamiat-e-Islam and…

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Current Affairs KP PMS Syllabus

Current Affairs (Compulsory) KP PMS Syllabus Marks – 100 Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of History, Geography, and Politics as is necessary to interpret current affairs 1. Pakistan’s relations with its neighbors 2. Pakistan’s relations with Middle Eastern, African and Far Eastern Countries 3. Pakistan’s relations with big powers 4. International…

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Current Affairs Punjab PMS Syllabus

General Knowledge (Objective)   a. Current Affairs: Candidates are expected to have updated knowledge of the current events, issues and developments. They are also expected to know the necessary historical perspective needed to understand these events. Candidates shall be examined in the following areas: (1) Pakistan’s economic, social and political issues, regional disparities, water scarity,…

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Current Affairs CSS Syllabus

Total Marks – 100 Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of history, politics and International Affairs, as deemed necessary to interpret current affairs. I. Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs (20 marks) Political Economic Social II. Pakistan’s External Affairs (40 marks) Pakistan’s relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia) Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim…

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Islamic Studies Punjab PMS Syllabus

Islamic Studies (Combination of Both Subjective & Objective) For Non-Muslim Candidates Ethics (Combination of both Subjective & Objective) a. Islamic Studies: (1) Introduction to Islam: Advent of Islam, Fundamentals of Islam, Concepts and their Importance, Deen and its religious impact on individual and society; spiritual, moral and social impact. Basic Beliefs, Amar Bilmaroof and Nahi…

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General Science CSS Syllabus

General Science and Ability Part-I (General Science) 60 Marks I. Physical Sciences Constituents and Structure:- Universe, Galaxy, Light Year, Solar System, Sun, Earth, Astronomical System of Units. Process of Nature: – Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Rotation and Revolution, Weather Variables (Global Temperature, Pressure, Circulation, Precipitation, Humidity) and Weather Variations. Natural Hazards and Disasters: – Earth Quake,…

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English Punjab PMS Syllabus

English (Precis, Comprehension & Translation) a. English Precis and Comprehension: The examination will essentially test the ability of the candidates to handle precis writing, comprehension, syntax, translation, grammar, vocabulary etc. (1) Precis Writing: A passage of generic nature with enough room for compression shall be given for writing a precis and suggesting a suitable topic….

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English KP PMS Syllabus

The examination will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks and will be geared to test the candidates’ ability to handle grammatical structure, reading comprehension and analysis and précis writing and composition. A candidate should be capable of: a. Using English correctly and efficiently as a vehicle of communication. b. Reading, comprehending and analyzing…

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English CSS Syllabus

English CSS Syllabus Total Marks 100 Time Allowed 3 Hours The examination in this subject will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks to Test the candidate’s abilities to handle Precis Writing, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structuring, Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc. I. Precis Writing (20 marks) A careful selected passage with an orientation of…

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