English Essay CSS Topicwise Papers

English Essay CSS Topicwise Papers

English Essay papers for the last 49 years (1971-2019) have been analyzed.
These papers have been organized topic-wise to give a better idea of the important topics for preparation of the essay.

Aid, Banking, Development, General Economics, Industrialization, Inflation, Labor
International Relations
Armament, Balance Of Power, Sovereignty, Diplomacy, Organizations, Ethnic Cleansing, Nationalization, Relations, Terrorism, Treaties, Third World, Current Issues, Kashmir, Afghanistan
Islamic Studies
Holy Prophet, Morality, Religion, Ummah
Other Subjects
Architecture, Art, History, Journalism, Philosophy, Psychology
Pakistan Affairs
Ideology, Islamization, Iqbal, Pak Movement, National Integration, National Current Issues, Pakistan
Political Science
Constitution, Democracy, Opinion, Politics
Public Administration
Accountability, Communication, General Administration, Good Governance, Human Resource, Leadership, Local Government, Ombudsman
General Science, Technology, Energy, Universe, Earth, Weather
Human Being, Qualities, Culture, Personality, Social Evils, Corruption, Population, Drugs, Health, Sectarianism / Ethnicity, Poverty, Unemployment, Education, Knowledge, Entertainment, Literature, Writer, Sports, Urbanization, Manners, Dress, Women


  1. Attitude of indifference
  2. Hankering after the past is an admission of one’s inability to shape the future
  3. The way to hell is paved with good intentions
  4. Benevolent Despotism
  5. On being a Pessimist
  6. Theatre of the absurd
  7. One today is worth two tomorrows
  8. Archetypes
  9. The foundations of the feature